Thursday, November 28, 2019
Resting Heart Rate Athletes vs Non Athletes
Introduction The circulatory and respiratory systems (called together as the respiratory system) act together in one to enable moderate to severe exercise possible (Ganong, 2005). The capacity of adjusting by the system to exercise is called as cardio-respiratory fitness. This endurance can be measured using difference methods that have been designed and test by early researchers.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Resting Heart Rate: Athletes vs Non Athletes – Comparative Essay specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The state of the cardio-respiratory system determine the tolerance of individual to exercise. Among the measurements that are to be done to determine the godlessness of this system is the measuring of heart rate (Brehm, 2007). Heart rate is normally increases during exercise. Heart rate definition is the number of beats that the heart is making in one minute. Generally, the normal heart rate of an adul t is said be around 60 to 100 beats per minute (Guyton, 2006). Studies has shown that the resting heart rate of trained athlete is low than that of an untrained grown up with the same age. The trained athletes compensate for lower heart rate by having an increase in the strength of the beats. For this reason athletes tend to have big hearts. A lower heart rate is good indicator of tolerance of exercise of person. Heart rate is measured by locating an area in body where it is clear. Usually this area is found outside of the wrist when palm is put to face up wards. To feel it two fingers are placed over the artery at these places. The pulse is felt when the artery is pressed on the bone (Ganong, 2005). After location of it the beats found in minute are counted and recorded. Some people likes to take it for 15 seconds and multiply the results by 4. To increase accurateness it can be taken two times and then doing average of the two results got. Measuring cardiovascular fitness using he art rate requires the subject to take part in aerobic exercise. Athletes normally, have quick recovery than their untrained counterpart. An athlete should get a smaller increase in heart rate than the untrained person. In order to perform this test with easiness, the step test is used. In this test the subject of the test is asked to step on a raised platform and step down at a particular rate which is already known and made. The hypothesis of the experiment sought to test whether there was a noticeable difference in the effect of aerobic exercises between the pulse rates of athletes and non-athletes. Method and Material The students were worked in six groups. Each group was having four members. One student was an athlete and one was non-athlete. The other two students were to take pulse rate measurements of the two test subject.Advertising Looking for essay on anthropology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The experiment was d one by first taking the resting pulse rates of two test subjects who got identified. Pulse was located at wrist and timing was done for 15 seconds and the result got multiplied by 4 to get the pulse rates in a minute. A stopwatch was used for this timing. After resting pulse rate has been measured, the two test subjects were asked to do a three minutes step test. The subjects were asked to climb up and come down the platform for three minutes using rate of 30 steps per minute. After the step test, pulse rate located. The rate per minute was calculated from the figure for 15 seconds of timing. Results Table1. Results of step test for my group. Pulse Rate(beats per minute) Athlete Non-Athlete Before step test 72 88 After step test 96 112 Figure1. Pulse rate of athlete and non-athlete before and after exercise Table 2.1 Results of step test of athletes in all other groups. Pulse rate 1 2 3 4 5 Average 80 Before step test 80 92 72 76 88 81.5 After step test 100 116 88 88 126 104 Table2.2 Results of step test for non-athlete in all other groups Pulse rate 1 2 3 4 5 Average Before step test 88 60 96 84 80 81.6 After step test 108 112 112 92 100 104.6 Table 3. Average and difference of pulse rates before and after exerciseAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on Resting Heart Rate: Athletes vs Non Athletes – Comparative Essay specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Average pulse rate before step test Average pulse rate after step test Difference between pulse rates Athlete 81.6 104 22.4 Non-Athlete 81.6 104.8 23.2 Figure 2. Average and difference of pulse rate before and after exercising. Conclusions The hypothesis of the experiment sought to test whether there was a notice able difference in the effect of aerobic exercises between the pulse rates of athletes and non-athletes. The results go from the experiment surely gave positively support to the hypothe sis. Though it is, the difference in this experiment is less; it is possible to make a conclusion using the data. The results showed there was small variation between the athletes and non-athletes. These findings get supported by early research. In this experiment the small increase may be because of mistake of experiment such as timing mistakes. All the test subject had heart rates below 100 beats in a minute. An interesting observation is that non-athletes had higher heart rates at rest. This may be to the fact that they do not exercise regularly like the athletes. To reduce this difference they should do suitable exercise good for them. Several factors affect the heart rate of an individual. These factors include the time of day it is taken and eating of some substances. Pulse is usually at resting point early in the morning or after waking up. Coffee is also may increase heart rate. Smoking may also gives an abnormally high heart rate. To obtain more accurate results the factors should be considered. Eligibility criteria for the experiment should also be checked at so that in future experiments, students who get to this group can not be used as test subjects. Use of digital pulse measuring machines may also be put in use in the future. References Brehm, B. (2007). Heart Rate and Exercise Training. Fitness Management. Ganong, F. William (2005). Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology, (22nd Ed), NY: McGraw-Hill.Advertising Looking for essay on anthropology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Guyton, C. Arthur Hall, E. John. (2006). Guyton Textbook of Medical Physiology, (11th Ed), NY: Saunders. This essay on Resting Heart Rate: Athletes vs Non Athletes was written and submitted by user Grace Allison to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Cry, The Beloved Country Quotes
Cry, The Beloved Country Quotes Cry, The Beloved Country is the famous African novel by Alan Paton. The story follows the journey of a minister, who travels to the big city in search of his prodigal son. Cry, The Beloved Country is said to have been inspired (or influenced) by Laurens van der Posts novel In a Province (1934). Alan Paton started the novel in 1946, and the book was finally published in 1948. Paton was a South African author and anti-apartheid activist. Quotes From Chapter One Through Chapter Ten There is a lovely road that runs from Ixopo into the hills... [T]hey go to Johannesburg, and there they are lost, and no one hears of them at all. One day in Johannesburg, and already the tribe was being rebuilt, the house and soul being restored. I have one great fear in my heart, that one day when they are turned to loving, they will find that we are turned to hating. All roads lead to Johannesburg. Now God be thanked that the name of a hill is such music, that the name of a river can heal. Quotes From Chapter Eleven Through Chapter Twenty for who is not silent when someone is dead, who was a small bright boy? Cry, the beloved country, for the unborn child that is the inheritor of our fear. Have no doubt it is fear in his eyes. You see, my brother, there is no proof that my son or this other young man was there at all. [W]e do what is in us, and why it is in us, that is also a secret. It is Christ in us, crying that men may be succoured and forgiven, even when He Himself is forsaken. Old man, leave him alone. You lead him so far and then you spring upon him. Quotes From Chapter Twenty Through Chapter Thirty It is not permissible to add to ones possessions if these things can only be done at the cost of other men. Such development has only one true name, and that is exploitation. The truth is, our civilization is not Christian; it is a tragic compound of great ideal and fearful practice, of loving charity and fearful clutching of possessions. In a land of fear this incorruptibility is like a lamp set upon a stand, giving light to all that are in the house. [T]his thing that is the heaviest thing of all my years, is the heaviest thing of all your years also. Nothing is ever quiet, except for fools. I shall care for your child, my son, even as if it were my own. I am a weak and sinful man, but God put His hands on me, that is all. Something deep is touched here, something that is good and deep. Forgive us all, for we all have trespasses. I have learned that kindness and love can pay for pain and suffering. Quotes From Chapter Thirty-One Through Chapter Thirty-Five When you go, something bright will go out of Ndotsheni. that is a small angel from God. Although nothing has come yet, something is here already. One thing is about to be finished, but here is something that is only begun. But when the dawn will come, of our emancipation, from the fear of bondage and the bondage of fear, why, that is a secret.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Introduction to Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Introduction to Marketing - Essay Example Current paper focuses on the potential value of a specific framework of marketing, the marketing mix, to help a business operating in the British organic food industry, the Sea View Farm, to improve its performance. The fact that the business owners do not have experience on marketing practices should be taken into consideration when deciding on the marketing strategies that the firm would implement for securing its market position and for setting the basis for growth in the future. It seems that marketing could help the business to increase its performance but only under the terms that all the phases of the relevant plan will be closely monitored. The cooperation with a professional of the marketing industry would increase the chances for the success of the above initiative. 2. Overview of the current marketing mix and its importance to the organisation. In its most common form, the marketing mix includes four elements, also known as ‘four Ps’: product, place, price and promotion. These elements need to be reviewed and evaluated in order to decide on the marketing strategies that would be most appropriate for covering each organization’s needs. Relevant literature should be primarily reviewed. Marketing mix is a framework that has been established for covering specific marketing needs. In fact, these needs seem to be common in businesses in different industries (Doole & Lowe 2008). The marketing mix introduces four criteria that can be used for developing an effective marketing plan (Leadley & Forsyth 2004). One of the key advantages of marketing mix is its standardization (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel 2011). Indeed, firms that decide to use the specific approach need to focus on four elements, as included in the marketing mix, without having the potential to alternate or to replace these elements (Usman et al.2012). Of course, failures when implementing the specific approach are difficult to be fully avoided. In practice, it has been proved that the marketing mix has certain drawbacks, such as: a) the marketing mix is developed according to ‘the seller’s perceptions on market’ (Kotler & Armstrong 2010, p.77); b) it is partially opposed to the market rule that in the context of each market the interests of the consumer need to be primarily served (Czinkota, M. & Ronkainen 207). In fact, the marketing mix highlights the interests of the seller as being of equal worth with those of the buyer; c) the structure/ content of marketing mix cannot be effectively protected; competitors can develop similar marketing mixes for protecting their market position (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel 2011); d) marketing mix may not cooperate well with certain business strategies that are widely used for promoted products/ services worldwide; reference is made, as an example to the case of branding (Riaz & Tanveer 2011) and e) marketing mix may not be quite effective in markets with strong socio-cultural environments, where the influen ce of culture on ethics is quite strong (Keramati et al. 2012). The potential expansion of marketing mix, i.e. above the 4Ps, could possibly help to resolve the problems presented above (Goi 2009). In addition, it should be noted that in turbulent markets, the findings of the marketing mix would not be quite credible (Borden 1984). The market conditions would be changed regularly under the pressures of external forces; thus any assumption for the actual qualities/ potentials of
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Networking Strategy and professional development Module 1 Questions Essay
Networking Strategy and professional development Module 1 Questions - Essay Example An understanding of the client’s background is essential as it helps the mentor to grow professionally. The other benefit of mentoring in the networking process is that it helps the mentor to gain professional satisfaction through the expertise that he or she shares with the clients (Crawford, 2007). Mentoring can also be regarded as essential as it helps the mentor to add value to his or her career. This is because the mentor gets an opportunity to utilize his or her skills and gain insights from the professional relationships with the mentees. Mentoring in the networking process can also be regarded to be of immense benefits to the mentee. The mentee benefits through gaining expertise from the mentor. Thus, the mentee can sharpen his or her skills. The mentee also gets an opportunity to learn some skills, which may be of immense help in the mentees personal development. In addition, the mentee benefits since he or she gets to know more about the organization, its policies, rules, as well as the culture of the organization (Whittaker & Cartwright, 2000). Networking can be regarded as one of the essential elements when it comes to the building of successful careers. Therefore, any person wishing to succeed in his or her career should consider networking with other professionals in his own field. Networking helps in building successful careers since most jobs may not be advertised. As such, networking is essential as it helps the job seeker to gain awareness and knowledge about a certain job that may be advertised. Networking is also essential in building a successful career as it helps the job seeker to be well prepared for interviews. This is because networking can help job seekers have full knowledge about the requirements of an interview. As a result, they will have an easy time during the interview and they will mostly likely get the job (Dirks, 2009). The most effective networking strategy for job search is becoming members of professional
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Songs comparison assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Songs comparison - Assignment Example On the other hand, Lenny Kravitz approach in the song American Woman implements the use of soft rock in the absence of solo guitars. It is arguable that the modern artist’s approach sought to incorporate the Rock genre to the RnB version. After listening to the songs critically, it is known that Lenny’s version developed a dilemma as the artist contested against being with an American woman while still wooing her. The latest version of the song indicates the advanced culture of individualism and independence in the female gender. Therefore, the two versions in â€Å"Rock†and â€Å"Soft Rock†versions create an atmosphere of male chauvinism towards the end of the songs. Arguably, any listener can judge on the point by paying critical attention towards the end whereby both artists highlight their discontent perception of marrying the American women with their current cultural practices. In conclusion, the two versions provoke the listener to judge that the female gender acquired employment opportunities and economic empowerment; hence, any willing suitors perceived the changes for
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Ethics Of Juvenile Delinquency Criminology Essay
The Ethics Of Juvenile Delinquency Criminology Essay It is ethical to allow courts dealing with juvenile delinquency to punish any juvenile responsible for taking part in illegal activities. A critical part of working towards a morally responsible society is holding juveniles responsible for their actions. There have been many changes in juvenile laws attempting to balance the proper level of punishment. Early rehabilitation of an irresponsible child or young adult is a key part of solving criminal issues. How to rehabilitate a juvenile is always going to be a highly controversial issue. In the past century, laws governing juveniles actions have changed drastically. In the early nineteenth century, juveniles typically received the same punishments as adults for crimes or wrongdoings. According to the (United States Federal government, 1997), In 1938, the Federal Juvenile Delinquency Act was passed with the essential purpose of keeping juveniles apart from adult criminals. Juvenile delinquents began to receive preferential treatment after the Juvenile Delinquency Act became law. In the seventies juvenile law began to receive more attention and one of the most influential laws where formed. According to the (United States Federal government, 1997), In 1974, Congress adopted the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act. The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act in principle is focused on allowing juveniles to receive treatment in lieu of harsher jail or prison time. Through many reforms in law, juveniles have many different paths of rehabilitation instead of just prison or jail time. In 1995 the (United States Federal government, 1997) reported Two out of three cases where a juvenile was arrested the case was referred to a lesser juvenile court. It is becoming apparent that even though juveniles are capable of committing a crime; a juvenile is not capable of considering the consequences for their action. Ever since the establishment of juvenile courts, there has been controversy on the subject on how they should be run and what rules should apply. With all the controversy on how the juvenile courts system should apply the existing law to minors. A few states have decided to change the law regarding at what age a person is a juvenile. An article written by (Jeffrey A. Butts, 1998) states, in 37 States and the District of Columbia, juvenile courts are initially responsible for all law violations committed by youth under 18. This just goes to show that even though for the past century juvenile delinquency laws have been getting looser the laws are still highly debated. Ever since about 1995, there has been a substantial amount of cases being transferred from juvenile court to adult court. An analysis performed by (Jeffrey A. Butts, 1998) indicates, In about half of all transfers, the offenders receive sentences comparable to what they might have received from the juvenile court. Many people believe that by allowing the juvenile case to be transferred to an adult court will make the juvenile realize they are not above any law. As well with more juveniles being tried as adults it weeds out the worst cases; therefore, making the juvenile courts appear more effective. The latest change in juvenile law is that states have attempted to expunge the juvenile courts system. Many states went as far as passing laws to abolish such courts; however, few states did anything to act on the laws. According to an article written by (Jeffrey A. Butts, 1998) In states such as Idaho, Michigan, and Virginia, the criminal courts may sentence a juvenile to an adult correctional facility. Sentencing a juvenile to an adult correctional facility in states that allow it is reserved only for the worst of cases. Since the seventies, there has been a dramatic increase in violent crimes especially amongst juveniles. Part of the surge in violent crimes is due partly to the rise in home and cellular phones making it easier to report crimes. Another factor in the increased crime rate is the decreased penalties that took effect in the same period. Not surprisingly according to (Justice, 2010), juveniles accounted for almost half the arrests for serious crimes in the United States in 1974. Juvenile courts where severely understaffed for the caseloads during that period; as a result many juvenile delinquents where not adequately punished for their crimes. During the seventies alcohol and drug abuse was a horrific problem amongst juveniles. According to (Justice, 2010), increasing numbers of young people are becoming addicted to or abuse alcohol and or other drugs. In response to the drug abuse and violence problems, programs and other resources where suggested to be offered schools. Juvenile justice courts also where provided with extended sentencing authority, in addition to rehabilitation resources. Many juveniles engage in unsafe activities and it is important that the behaviors are corrected. According to (Justice, 2010), the small number of youth who commit the most serious and violent offenses are becoming more violent. Most juvenile crimes are seriously violent crimes. Crimes committed by juveniles that are non-violent in nature must not receive the same punishments as violent crimes. In conclusion, juveniles must be responsible for their actions; however, it is not always appropriate to treat a juvenile the same as an adult. Juvenile delinquency dramatically decreased after the enactment of education and rehabilitation programs for juveniles. Laws regarding juvenile delinquency modified many times to assist courts in the rehabilitation of juveniles. It is ethical to allow courts to rehabilitate juveniles from unsafe lifestyles.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Living with Asthma :: Medical Medicine Respiratory Essays
Living with Asthma missing works cited The weather in Boston is just beginning to feel cooler as Maeve Vaillancourt, a Northeastern University sophomore rushes to her first class of the day. Although she is already behind schedule, she huddles in a corner to take a dose of her Abuterol inhaler, then finishes her ten-minute walk and slips into class late. â€Å"I hate taking my inhaler in public, because it is embarrassing, but after quick walks like that, I need to or else I feel as if I can’t breathe,†said Vaillancourt. Vaillancourt has been suffering from asthma since she was diagnosed at the age of 9. She is one of 18.2 million adults age 18 years and older with this illness according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Over seven million children ages 0-17 have asthma. Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system that leads to inflammation of the bronchial tubes, resulting in difficulty carrying air to the lungs. Asthma greatly affects an individual’s breathing, and can place severe restrictions on daily life. During asthma attacks, which may be triggered by weather, allergens, exercise, the individuals’ ability to breathe becomes difficult. As a young, active college student, Vaillancourt’s battle with asthma plays a role in her day-to-day life, beyond just her walks to class. â€Å"I don’t think of inhalers as medicine. I bring it out everywhere; itis like a wallet, or cash,†said Vaillancourt, who suffers from mild asthma. â€Å"If I don’t bring it out, I panic and actually make my asthma worse.†Like most who suffer mild asthma, Vaillancourt is prescribed two inhalers. One is a preventative inhaler, Advair; and the other is her emergency inhaler, Albuterol. Advair is used to prevent an attack from occurring. It contains the steroid, fluticasone, which prevents inflammation that leads to asthma attacks; and salmeterol, which is abronchodilator, to relax muscles to improve breathing.Albuterol is also a bronchodilator, used to treat bronchospasms as they are occurring. Vaillancourt takes Advair, her preventative inhaler, and once in the morning and once before she goes to bed, as well as before exercising. Although she knows it is important Vaillancourt said she â€Å"often has trouble remembering and keeping up with taking the inhaler.†Vaillancourt has noticed that since she has been living in Boston and consistently walking, especially in cool weather, she is more likely to remember her inhalers since she is more likely to need them.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Is playing Sports a good hobby?
Sport is identified as a physical activity carried out by human beings usually executed by following a set of rules and principles to ensure fair competition among the candidates. Playing sports and indulging in physical activities aids in confirming various health benefits including comfortable respiration, muscular development, bone strength, advanced life expectancy, and coronary fitness. Playing sports helps in safeguarding the body and prevents it from contracting various types of diseases like cancer.Also, it assists in controlling unnecessary weight gain and depression by diverting the mind in a positive direction. Some of the affirmative effects of playing sports have been discussed below. It is a known fact that regaling in any kind of physical activity leads to a healthy workout and consequently promotes weight loss. Sports acts as a catalyst for the metabolic processes and resultantly increases lean body mass, burns calories and aids in attaining perfect body shape.There i s a lot of variation in the amount of suggested physical work. It is mainly due to the variation in the shape/size of the body of different individuals and amount of calorie input, nonetheless it is remedial for people who are obese. As enumerated by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Weight stability can be obtained if 2-5 hours are invested in playing averagely demanding sports. Playing high intensity sport is extremely significant for people who wish to reduce their weight adequately.It is advised by physicians that people of all age groups must undertake any kind of physical activity or sport as it in helps in cultivating a healthy heart and mind. As delineated by the British Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, about 40 percent of deaths related to coronary heart disease take place due to insufficient physical work, overweight, mental stress and increased blood pressure. Sports can help in dealing with these physical ailments by reducing the contingen cy of coronary disease by almost 50 percent.Decrease in the strength of muscles, bones and joints, is an inevitable corollary of growing old. Aged people are advised to go for regular walks and practice numerous physical exercises so that their body parts are in healthy and working condition. Thus, it can be concluded that playing sports is very significant for people of all age groups and must be taken up seriously in order to maintain a healthy body.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Escape from Sobibor essays
Escape from Sobibor essays In the movie, Escape from Sobibor, takes place in Germany during World War 2. The movie shows how horrible life for the Jews was in Sobibor, a death camp during the war. Although the prisoners in the camps went through so much devastation, they still managed to entertain themselves and make the best f their situation. They struggled to survive and in the end, they were able to liberate themselves and escape. In the beginning of the movie, hundreds of Jews would arrive to the camp by train. Though Sobibor was a death camp, newcomers were told it was strictly a labor camp. The men and women were divided in two groups. Women and children on one side and men fifteen and older on the other. The SS officers then asked for all the seamstresses and shoemakers to step out of line. The rest of the people were told they would be taken to have a hot shower and get their clothes sterilized. However, they were taken to a gas chamber where they were naked and gassed to death. Hundreds of men, women, and children were left dead. Those who made shoes and were professional seamstresses were taken into the camp and made clothes and shoes for the officers. The workers faced hunger and feared for their lives. Some Jews came up with a plan to escape from Sobibor. They began secretly making knives and other weapons. When the day came to carry out their plan, they successfully killed several SS officers. They stole guns and ammunition from them and cut off the telephone lines. That afternoon the prisoners ran out of the front gate. Others cut down the wired fences and broke through the gates. Everyone fled to the woods to reach safety. Some, however, did not make it and were shot by machineguns while trying to escape. Sixhundred prisoners attempted to escape that day and over 300 fled to safety and were saved. The main theme of the movie was survival, every man for himself. The prisoners faced hunger and disease ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
European Union Essays - Eurozone, Economy Of The European Union
European Union Essays - Eurozone, Economy Of The European Union European Union In 1967, three European institutions merged. The three institutions were the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the European Economic Community (EEC), and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). When the three merged, they formed the European Community or EC. On November 1, 1993, the 12 members of the European Community ratified the Treaty on European Union, or Maastricht Treaty. The twelve members were- Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain. The countries of the Benelux Economic Union- Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg- continue to and in some ways as a single economic entity within the European Union. The EC became the policy-making body of the European Union. In 1994 Austria, Finland, and Sweden became members of the European Union. By 1997 more than a dozen countries had applied for European Union membership, but the European Union had only admitted the three listed above. The other countries that applied for membership include Turkey, Cyprus, Malta, Switzerland, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, and the Czech Republic. Of those countries, six are considered associate members of the European Union: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia. Three other countries-Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania-are being considered for associate membership. Other potential European Union applicants include members of the European Free Trade Association. The European Union was expected to decide which counties it would open negotiations for full membership with by the end of 1997. The purpose of the European Union was to increase economic integration and strengthen cooperation among its member states. European citizenship was granted to citizens of each member state, under the Treaty on European Union. Customs and immigration agreements were enhanced to allow European citizens more freedom to live, work, and study in any of the member states, and border controls were also eased. The European Union also set a goal of establishing a single European currency, the Euro, by 1997; this date was later changed to 1999. It is proposed that full circulation of the Euro is to be in effect by the year 2002. At that time the individual states notes will no longer be valid. The European Union?s attempts to establish a single European currency have had some controversy. An example is, some member countries, such as Great Britain, have worried that a shared European currency would threaten their national identity and their government?s authority. On the other hand, some of the other European Union member countries have been struggling to meet the economic requirements for participating in a common currency. To meet the requirements, which include a budget deficit of no more than three percent of their gross domestic product, by the deadline of late 1997. To meet the requirements some countries have imposed budget cuts and new taxes. Some of the measures taken by these countries have faced some resistance. The people who will mainly benefit from the common currency are the European citizens. The overall benefit that the euro will bring is a stable economic environment that will lead to low inflation and low interest rates. There are three main areas that the member states will gain savings from, they include, reduced losses created by currency exchanges, lower costs created by better competition in the euro zone, and a more favorable trading and investment environment for local businesses. The reduction of losses due to the elimination of currency exchanges within the euro zone will produce almost a whole percentage point of annual European Union GDP every year. The use of a common currency will allow easier price comparisons in the member states. By eliminating the currency exchange risk, economic and monetary union will bring more business and trading potential to commercial companies, especially small and medium-sized businesses. Large European companies will have a reduction in a l ot of their costs, mainly in the processes of foreign exchange transactions. Consumers will benefit greatly from the common currency. Some of the benefits include: reduced costs for traveling to other countries; easier and less expensive transfer of funds to other countries; increased competition between businesses, which will lead to lower prices; low interest rates; and more economic growth, which will lead to increased job security. The European
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Construction Adjudication Law - Legal problem Coursework
Construction Adjudication Law - Legal problem - Coursework Example The architects in question who did the preliminary design had the obligation to check the ground conditions and foundation requirements. PCL bears a partial responsibility for the design flaw. The matter is referred to adjudication under clause 9.2 of the JCT Design and Building Contract. There were a number of issues with the adjudication process and this include a reliable information that the CEO of PDP and the Adjudicator went for a weekend in a country hotel where they were overhead discussing things related to the case. From the case study, there is the need for the following things and matters to be examined in relation to the relevant rules about: 1. The scope of the Adjudicator's obligations and whether it was met or not. 2. The independence of the Adjudicator. 3. The impartiality of the Adjudicator's processes in dealing with the case 4. The ability of the case to be escalated to a court dispute. Scope of Adjudication The main issue of contention is to define the actual que stion and the actual point of law that the adjudicator of the case at hand was supposed to handle. This is in response to the accusation of the CEO of PDP that the adjudicator addressed the wrong question. ... ication of the relevant provision, it can be said that the obligation of the Adjudicator in this case is to identify the procedure that was used by the contracting party and which party deserves to be held responsible for the damage. In other words, the Adjudicator has to examine the contract between PDP and PCL and identify who is responsible for the determination of the soil condition and the point in the contract that it went wrong. The evidence of both parties were to be examined and a conclusion could be drawn. However, in this case, it is apparent that the Adjudicator did not spend too much time studying those documents. Rather, he examined just two variables, the architects and PCL's relative positions. He did not go deep into the contract, neither did he set out a fair procedure. Hence, it can be concluded that he did not operate within the scope of the contract. Independence of the Adjudicator The Adjudicator happened to be the brother-in-law of the MD of PCL. This shows cle arly that they had an informal relationship that could have implications for the independence of the Adjudicator. The Adjudicator, as a professional, has codes of ethics in the profession he belongs to, whether he is a legal professional or a construction expert. Every adjudicator needs to be independent and be seen to be independent in his decisions and procedures3. In a landmark ruling in a construction arbitration case in France, which is part of European Union Law, it was stated that â€Å"An Arbitrator should not have any commercial or other similar connection with either party which may give rise to suspicion in the mind of a reasonable person that he may be biased†4. The implication is that there should be no relationship that exists between an adjudicator and any of the parties that
Friday, November 1, 2019
Asia Pacific Business Region Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Asia Pacific Business Region - Essay Example Bred on the ideology of liberalism, it was natural for Australians to take the lead to usher in the materialistic gospel of free trade in the Asia-Pacific region, where the prevalent socio-cultural-religious milieu militated against new ideas, and change. Change- with its flag of free trade- was anathema to the insular Oriental mind. Post World War II, in the aftermath of the years of depression, unemployment and public sector investments, notably in the nineties, Australia showed the correct path and continues to be the leader in ushering the doctrine of free trade and globalization.1 Dumping the protectionist foreign policy of yesteryears into the dustbin of history, Australia is today boldly forging ahead in the comity of nations with a commitment, bordering on a religious fervour, to open markets and globalization, which has underpinned its remarkable growth. Open markets have paid rich dividends and the Australians intend to reap the rewards of the whirlwind of globalization. The chief concern for Australia at this juncture of history is that multilateral trade and investment negotiations and globalization keeps apace in the APBR to provide market access for its burgeoning foreign trade linked economic growth. Australia's prosperity is inextricably linked to the well-being of regional players, big and small, underdeveloped and developing. Perceived obstacles to the Australian objective are the threat of Islamic terrorism, which can create widespread instability in the Asia-Pacific region, national rivalries, which breed insecurity, and to a lesser degree, the Sword of Democles that hangs over South Asia: the potent threat of a conflict between nuclear-armed India and Pakistan over the thorny, so far intractable issue of Kashmir. Islamic terrorism has already created a crisis situation in Indonesia. And, if nuclear-armed Pakistan and India ever go to war, the conflict has the potential to destroy world peace, which would stymie Australian opportunity of phenomenal growth in trade and investment that the relatively open Indian market of 1.2 billion people has thrown up. Defence spending has grown rapidly in East and South Asia over the past decade. When nations arm themselves, when the first shot will be fired is only a matter time. History is replete with such examples. The gains garnered over the years are eloquently summed up in a few revealing words in a document titled, "Benefits of trade" in the official website of the Australian Government's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Trade is essential to our way of life. Trade creates jobs, boosts incomes in our local communities and increases our standard of living No country can afford to close itself off from the world economy. As a country of 20 million people, we benefit from
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