Saturday, December 28, 2019
Women s Civil Rights During World War II - 1209 Words
After years of Civil Rights Movements and Pay Equity Acts, as of 2014, women still only make 79 cents to a man s every dollar. Although the wage gap has shrunk since the 1970’s, progress has recently stalled and chances of it vanishing on its own is unlikely. The gains that American women have made towards labor market experience and skills is tremendous. In fact, women account for 47% of labor workforce and 49.3% of American jobs. But despite of women’s strides, a gender pay gap still exists. Experts suggest that it will take 100 years to close the gap at the rate employers and legislators are working to create solutions. But by allowing women to work in higher paying positions and by proposing and updating pay equity laws, the gender gap can finally be diminished. Women’s Civil Rights has always been an issue around the world. During World War II, women began working while the men were away at war. Once the men came back, the pay wage began between men and women. According to researchers, Beth Rowen and Borgna Brunner, between 1950 and 1960, women who had worked full-time jobs only earned around 60 cents to every dollar that their male counterparts earned. It was not until June 10, 1963 that the Equal Pay Act was passed by President Kennedy making it illegal for employers to pay women less than men in the same job title. In order to further progress of pay equity, Rosa Cho from, also found that President Kennedy proposed a Civil Rights Act to prohibitShow MoreRelatedCivil Growth, Ingenuity And Generosity1306 Words  | 6 PagesCivil Growth, Ingenuity and Generosity: United States 1940 Emily M. Mascari Southern New Hampshire University Author Note This paper was prepared for Sophomore Seminar, taught by Professor Kramer. Abstract The United States of America was a boiling time in the 1940’s. With World War II approaching, United States of America (USA) citizens went above and beyond to help out the cause. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
Analysis Of Ballade Of The Poverties And The Men Of...
The Power of Propaganda in Poetry Poets speak their minds on paper through poetry, generating a secret language that needs to be deciphered. Adrienne Rich and Percy Bysshe Shelley both create poems that do not require deciphering since both poets had a contrasting approach. In â€Å"Ballade of the Poverties†and â€Å"To the Men of England,†Rich and Shelley use poetry as a ‘social media’ that airs their concerns to the public. In â€Å"Ballade of the Poverties,†Rich concentrates on the idea that the world around her is getting abominable; everything is losing value. Rich mentions ‘Princes’ in her poem, which is to be understood as the government, politicians, and rich people in general who consume but never produce. Similarly, Shelley expresses the same complications with England as he uses poetry as a tool to create awareness to and for the Men of England. Rich and Shelley both wrote poems that are simple and comprehendible to their g eneration. The success of the poem is accredited to the techniques used to lure and persuade people of their time to issues concerning them. The Rich and Shelley use diction, rhymes, lines, and repetition to protest against the arbitrary episodes of their historical time to settle an inflexible voice and firm tone to the distant audiences. In the beginning of â€Å"To the Men of England,†Shelley beings by questioning the men of England as to why they cater to the lords of England; as he states in the first stanza: â€Å"Men of England, wherefore plough/ For the
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Importance And Limitations Of Controlling -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Importance And Limitations Of Controlling? Answer: Introducation Management is the process of running a business on behalf of the business owner. The main task of the management team is to utilize the resources effectively and to make decisions that will lead the business to achieve its goals and objectives. In my first year, working as a part-timer at McDonald restaurant, I was given a task of running a social media campaign that will promote the organization business. Having minimum knowledge of digital marketing, I had to apply the four function of management i.e planning, organizing, controlling and directing attain the goals set. Planning The planning process is the organization course of action. Upon finishing of the planning phase the resource of the organization is likely to be used effectively. Planning for the social media marketing campaign involved the process of writing down the goals, the target market, the hours spent in the social media, the resources required and the measures to be taken. The aim of the target I had set was to enable the organization to attain its objective of increasing its market share through reaching more target audience. As the head of the digital marketing campaign, I had to plan for resources that were required. The importance of the business planning is that it helps the organization get a clear understanding of the business and market in which it operates in. Organizing After the planning phase, the second function is the organizing function. It is not possible for a single person to handle all the tasks by himself, there must be task delegation. The process of organizing includes directing and coordination of various activities to ensure that all the team members are fully aware of the task that is awaiting them and the objectives set to be attained (, 2016). All the team's members were aware of their responsibilities in the digital marketing campaign Directing Directing function is the third management function.This function helps the management of the control and supervision of the staff action. It, however, provides guidance to the workers in the right direction. Throughout this process, the organization will achieve its goals alongside accomplishing the employee personal goals. At this stage, I motivated my group while ensuring there was effective communication. Controlling Controlling helps in the coordination process and planning process. Controlling is utilized by managers at all level .The controlling function is characterized by a forward-looking feature. Controlling place its focus on the expectations of the projects so that in case of any requisite the follow up can be made. The controlling function is dependent on the planning function, if the planning was not made at the initial phase then the controlling phase will be no meaning (, 2016). Limitation It is very costly process to monitor the performance the employees, one has to put in a lot of attention .Organization do spend a lot of money in the installation of the control systems .The external factors cannot be controlled by the organization. Lastly, the employee might resist the control and this can lead to the reduction in the controlling (, 2016). It is evident that management cannot be an easy task to define but the function of management aid in the demonstration of the good work that should be done by managers. Management theories Management theory comprises of various theories. It is the responsibility of the organization manager to the management theory that they apply they do it well (Rao, 2012). When the organization management relies on the opinions from the outside environment on the happening of the internal environment of the organization, this can be of great significance to the company and the management (Gartenstein, 2011).. This paper researches on the management theory that is applied to the McDonald organizationUnderstanding of the management theory is beneficial as it aids the manger in knowing which theory is best applicable in the workplace under what circumstance. The theories of management implemented by the organization of McDonald shows the various aspect of the classical management. The organization shows how their style of management has led the organization to achieve its goals and being at the edge of the competition (Shethna, 2015). Scientific management theory The most important development in the management took place in the 20th century. Fredric Taylor was the earliest theorist. Taylor had a team that studied the work process scientifically (, 2010). They were keen on studying how work was done and how the performance of work affected the productivity of the worker. Taylor believed that overworking people was not an efficient way of improving the way work was done. In the book published by Taylor principle of scientific management, it was clearly indicated that job simplification and optimization could increase the productivity of work (Markgraf, 2016). The theory state that it is of significance for managers and workers to corporate together in order to do business. This was on the contrary of how the accounting at the workplace was running their activities, there was a limited contact between the management and the workers, as the managers and left the workers to produce on their own without guidance and motivation. The ma in motivation that workers found was in continuous employment, therefore there was incentive to perform the task efficiently or quickly as possible. Taylor had a strong belief that all workers were motivated by money. Taylor introduces the idea of a fair payday for a fair days work, this simply meant that an employee who did not work hard be-productive did not receive much as the employee who had been very productive. Taylor was mainly interested in the efficiency of the work productivity. A conclusion was made that there are people who could work more proficient than others. They were the people that managers were seeking to hire. Selection of people with the right skill for a job was another significant part of the efficiency of the workplace. The Taylor scientific theory is clear in the McDonald particular systems, training and education of the employee for better performance. Strengths Taylor developed a four principle that was could help in the efficiency of an organization. The use of the scientific approach to determine the most effective way of a particular task performance and study of work could be used as a replacement for common sense and simple habit. The workers should be trained to work at the maximum efficiency and they should be matched based on their competence to perform a task rather than being simply assigned any task. Performance of the workers should be monitored and supervisors should provide instructions so as to ensure that the organization is using the most efficient working ways. Work should be allocated between the workers and the managers, this will enable the managers to use their time to train and plan, hence allowing the workers to perform well their task. Weakness The theory of scientific management indicates that there is only one way to work in the organization. The theory is in the opposition to the teamwork in the organization as a practice. The theory breaks down the task into various steps and places emphasis on how each person can perform their task. Human relation theory The human relation method place emphasis on the need for an understanding that is clear on the significance of the human attitude and capabilities in the approach to the effectiveness of the organization (Bianca, 2018). The theory seek to respond to the social pressure that is emerging with a keen eye on the employee treatment at the place of work. Is clearly state that the people require the companionship, for them to have a sense of belonging, they need to seek satisfaction in the work social relationship that they form. In a study conducted by Elton Mayo, people at the workplace are more aware to the teams of self-governing, and when they are involved fully in a two-way consultation in the decision that affects them, they will be committed highly to the goals of the organization and the management. The belief that human relationship is the better method for work productivity improvement still persist in the various organization (Mulder, 2011). McDonald focuses on the employee moti vation in order for it to retain its customer satisfaction need. Strength The human relation theory has various strength, they include: First, the theory places a lot of emphasis on the appreciation and recognition of the worker. It considers the well-being of the employee at the workplace. Lastly, the theory focuses on the building of a relationship between the employee and the manager (, 2014). Weakness The human relation theory has its weakness too, the theory put a lot of simplification of the human behavior. The theory places its strategies on the behavior prediction vs the behavior that is observed. Conclusion Many managers have recognized the effect of management theory and its benefit to the organization productivity. McDonald is no exception, the organization has embraced various management theory that has led to the organization better performance. The organization has continuously motivated its employee ensuring there is a good relationship between workers as it realizes the impact it has on the productivity of the organization. The organization has been able to stay ahead of competition due to its constant dependent on various management theory and knowing which theory to apply under what circumstance. References Bianca, A. (2018). Human Relations Management Theory. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2018]. Bhasin, H. (2017). The four functions of Management in an organization. [online] Marketing91. Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2018]. (2014). What is management theory? definition and meaning. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2018]. Gartenstein, D. (2011). Four Types of Management Theory. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2018]. Markgraf, B. (2016). The Evolution of Management Theories. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2018]. (2010). Frederick Taylor and Scientific Management: Understanding Taylorism and Early Management Theory. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2018]. Mulder, P. (2011). Human Relations Theory by Elton Mayo | ToolsHero. [online] ToolsHero. Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2018]. (2016). 1.5 Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling | Principles of Management. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2018]. Rao, N. (2012). Evolution of Management Thought and Theory - Review Notes. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2018]. Shamiksha, C. (2018). The Importance and Limitations of Controlling | Organization Management. [online] Your Article Library. Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2018]. Shethna, J. (2015). How to apply management theoriesat workplace | edu CBA. [online] eduCBA. Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2018]. (2015). The 4 Functions Of Management Business Essay. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2018].
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Letter of Recommendation
Question: Write about theLetter of Recommendation. Answer: [Professors name] [Professors departmental address] [Professors phone number] [Professors institutional email address] [Date] [Students name] [Students institutional address] Dear Sir/Maam It is my complete inclination to acclaim [Students name] for admission to [course name] at [university name]. She is an outstanding student and an efficient individual. She is a very polite student with her morals in place and one of the rare talents. She is a Major in Mechanical Engineering with a cap of 4.62/5.0. I had the pleasure of meeting her and being her Professor when she enrolled in our University under the Undergraduate Program. She has a DSTA scholarship (Undergraduate through Masters) and is one of my brightest students. (Safier, 2015). She has excellent leadership qualities. Her 3rd year project: AIAA Design Build Fly UAV Competition, held in US, where she led a team of 9 members to participate in this annual competition. She has great interest in prototyping and has built several interesting and useful prototype: an Electric Skateboard (for last mile commute), an anti-theft device (for EG2604), a cheap alternative for RFID Security System (for home uses), an Infrared Remote to deactivate power supply (for home use) and a 2.4 GHz remote to remotely control lights in house (for home use). She has impressed all her professors with her creativity and skills. (Doyle, 2016). She is a quick and enthusiastic learner. She actively enrolls in Coursera and edX courses so that she can gain more knowledge outside of her major fields of study in NUS. She has knowledge of C++, Java and Python programming. She has done two internships at DSTA. One project was titled Trans loading of Vehicles at Sea and the other was Autonomous UAV Charging .She attended Hanyang International Summer School. She also takes interest in sports like swimming, dodge ball and badminton and participated in Inter Faculty Games or IFG in 2015 and 2016. (1st June 2016-28th June 2016) (Scribendi, 2016). She is a highly motivated student and very passionate about engineering. As mentioned earlier she is highly interested in prototyping and has a knack for solving everyday problems in a creative manner. She is dependable and disciplined. And as her Professor, I feel really elated for her achievements so far which is why I highly recommend her. I would be extremely honored if she gets the opportunity to make her mark in your university too. Please feel free to contact me for any further assistance or information. Regards, [Professors signature] [Professors name and title]. References Doyle, A. (2016).Student Recommendation Letter Samples and Writing Tips. [online] The Balance. Available at: [Accessed 30 Nov. 2016]. Enkivillage. (2016).How to Write a Recommendation Letter for a Student. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Nov. 2016]. MIT Admissions. (2016).Writing Recommendations. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Nov. 2016]. Safier, R. (2015). 4 Amazing Recommendation Letter Samples for Students. [Blog]PrepScholar. Available at: [Accessed 30 Nov. 2016]. Sample Recommendation Letter. (2016). 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 30 Nov. 2016]. Scribendi. (2016).College Recommendation Letter Sample. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Nov. 2016].
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