Friday, May 31, 2019
An Interpretation of E.E. Cummings Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town E
An Interpretation of E.E. e. e. cummings Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town E.E. Cummings (1894-1962) is an American Poet whose works are some of the harder ones to understand. Thats what Cummings is known for, his typography, language, punctuation, and his use of capital letters to give words special meanings. It has been stated that he has his own language known as Cummingsian. Cummings has do a lot of experimentation with language along with other poets during the Modernist era.Not only was Cummings an artistic writer and poet but he was an accomplished puma as well. Born in Cambridge Massachusetts, Cummings was a graduate of Harvard (1915) and was a volunteer ambulance driver in WWI. The French made him a prisoner of warfare and placed him in a detention camp for six months. This experience inspired his book The Enormous Room, which was considered one of the finest books written on WWI.Before I go right into the analysis of the poem anyone lived in a pretty how town by Cummings , I felt it important to have a truncated history about him. Not just history of him as a pers...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Unknown :: essays research papers
With the naming of Lou Gerstner as its new CEO (and the retirement of John Akers on May 7), IBM now has a occur to change both its own organizational structure and goals and, at the same clip, the future tense shape of the computer industry. Nearly every computer publication has polled its readers petition such questions as "Do you think IBM can succeed at changing, Do you think Lou Gerstner is the right man to lead a turnaround at IBM," and "Do you care?" Reactions to such early pulse taking are mixed. Clearly customers are concerned about IBMs seeming inability to understand their future needs and help them move to new computing platforms. On the other hand, customers are divided between a "we have to give him some time to assess the problem and formulate a solution" point of view (we concur), and the feeling that an outsider like Gerstner cant possibly fix a computer friendship (see below). Some are convinced that it just doesnt matter, since the day of the mainframe is over and that means IBMs days as the industry leader are over, too. IBM, of course, does not agree. Gerstner has not revealed the specifics of his plans at all, except for a few remarks at the Annual IBM Shareholders Meeting, where he brushed off the widely held notion that IBM would spin off profitable businesses. To him, it appears, shake-up means fewer people, different skills, more distribution of power, but not necessarily the wholesale deconstruction of IBM that some predicted. On the other hand, some of the things he has already done send clear signals of the big changes to come He is spending a lot of time in the field and with the customers. That guarantees he will hear the story first-hand, rather than filtered through tiers of IBM staffers and middle managers. It is just this kind of filtering that has led to the dangerous continuation of the status quo when IBM was teetering on the brink of disaster. Only a senior management badly out of touch with the field and the customers could have been so unaware of what was really going on. Gerstner doesnt intend to make that mistake. He is devising big changes in IBM senior management and many more changes are likely to come. Tellingly, these appointments are from outside of IBM (nearly unheard of in days gone by) and severally appointment appears in the business press with tales of just how tough the manager has been before and how good he is in tricky situations.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Natural Law :: essays research papers
Natural Law The School of Natural Law Philosophy was an intellectual group ofphilosophers. They developed raw ways of thinking about religion and government.Natural law was based on moral principles, but the overall outlook changed withthe times. John Locke was a neat philosopher from the middle of the 17th century.He was a primary contributor to the new ideas concerning natural law of thattime. He argued that humans in the state of nature ar free and equal, yetinsecure in their freedom. When they enter society, they surrender only suchrights as are necessary for their security and for the common good. He to a faultbelieved that each individual retains fundamental prerogatives drawn fromnatural law relating to the integrity of the person and property. This naturalrights theory was the basis of not only the American, but too the Frenchrevolution. 1 During his lifetime, he wrote many essays and letters to hiscolleagues on a variety o f topics2 Letter on toleration (1689) Second Letter on Toleration (1690) Two Treatises of Government (1690) Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690) approximately Considerations of the Consequences of Lowering of Interest,and Raising the Value of Money (1691) Third Letter on Toleration (1692) Some Thoughts Concerning Education (1693) Further Considerations Concerning Raising the Value of Money (1693) The Reasonableness of Christianity (1695) A Vindication of the Reasonableness of Christianity (1695) A Second Vindication of the Reasonableness of Christianity (1695) A Letter to the Bishop of Worcester (1697) Discourse on Miracles Fourth Letter for Toleration An Examination of Father Malebranches Opinion of Seeing All Thingsin God Remarks on Some of Mr Norriss Books Conduct of the Understanding Lockes greatest philosophical contribution is his Essay ConcerningHuman Understanding. In the winter of 1670, five or six friends were talking inhis room, believabl y in London. The topic was the "principles of morality andrevealed religion," but arguments arose and no real progress or seriousdiscussion took place. Then, he goes on to say, "it came into my thoughts thatwe took a wrong course, and that earlier we set ourselves upon inquiries of thatnature, it was necessary to examine our own abilities, and see what objects ourunderstandings were, or were not, fitted to deal with." At the request of hisfriends, Locke agreed to write down his thoughts on this question at their nextmeeting, and he expected that a single sheet of paper would suffice for thepurpose. Little did he realize the importance of the issue which he raised, andthat it would mint up his free time for nearly twenty years.
Spiders Essay -- essays research papers
SpidersMy essay is on spiders. I have chosen a few spiders to report about. Ialso have some basic info about spiders in general. Spiders comprise a large,widespread group of carnivorous arthropods. They have eight legs, buttocks producesilk, and usually have poison glands associated with fangs. More than 30,000species of spiders are found on every continent except Antarctica in almostevery kindly of terrestrial habitat and a few aquatic ones as well. Spiders rangein eubstance size from about 0.5 mm (0.02 in) to 9 cm (3.5 in). The condition spider isderived from the Old English spinnan ( "to spin" ) referring to the groups useof silk. Spiders make up the order Araneae in the class Arachnida, which takesits name from the mythological character Arachne, a peasant girl who challengedthe weaving skill of the goddess Athena. Arachne equaled Athenas skill in acontest, and in response to Athenas anger she hanged herself. In belatedremorse Athena changed the body of Arachne into a spider and allowed her toretain her weaving skill.My first selection is the brown recluse spider. The brown recluse spider(Loxosceles reclusa) is a poisonous spider in in the United States. Its mostlyfound from Kansas and Missouri, south to Texas, and west to California. Foundin sheltered places indoors and outdoors it is about 10 mm (.4 in.) yen andhas an orange-yellow body with a dark violin-shaped design on its back. Itsbite isnt usually fatal to humans, the venom destroys the skin a...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Japan - Breif History from WWII :: Japanese Japan History
lacquer - Breif History from WWIIINTRODUTION Without a good report, no nation can ever be considered developed. It is the history that makes or breaks a country. Japans history is very unique. During and after WWII their country was in ruins - literally. All their previous allies had deserted them, they were alone and destroyed by the Americans, an unlikely ally. I will instruction on the impacts that America had on Japan, and then how Japan got themselves to the title of The Second Most Developed Country. WWII In 1941 Japan station troops in Indo-China (Vietnam) after forming an alliance with Germany and Italy. The Americans did not approve of this, and cut off exports to Japan. Japan was not happy about this and attacked Pearl Harbor. Meanwhile Japan were also assail Southern Asia, and expanded their land to the Great East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. The US declared war on Japan and were burning for revenge. In the coming years Japan was bombed heavily and were pushed back into their origonal land. Japans cities were being torn down. Then came the final blow, two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan, one in Hiroshima, the other in Nagasaki. Both of them combine kil direct an estimated 105,000 people. Japan finally surrendered. AFTERMATH The Americans called The Occupation invaded Japan and made them give back all the land not owned by them before the war. Then, led by General Douglas MacArthur, they helped Japan do many things write a new constitution that was fairer to everyone, Create a better trade union. Reform the educational system so it was no longer bias to nationalism. Finally they helped to rebuild industry and commerce. This was the most helpful to Japan because the US organization gave the Japanese government thousands of millions of dollars. America rebuilt factories and industries with the latest levels of technology, better than their own pre-war factories. They gave them advice and encouragement. Between 1945 and 1950 MacArthur and th e Occupation did what they could to rebuild the Japanese economy. It was as if the Americans felt sorry for the Japanese. Then in June 1950, as if on cue, the Korean war broke out and the UN needed goods and services from Japan.
Japan - Breif History from WWII :: Japanese Japan History
japan - Breif History from WWIIINTRODUTION Without a good history, no nation can ever be considered developed. It is the history that makes or breaks a country. Japans history is genuinely unique. During and aft(prenominal) WWII their country was in ruins - literally. All their previous allies had deserted them, they were alone and destroyed by the the Statesns, an unlikely ally. I will focus on the impacts that America had on Japan, and then how Japan got themselves to the title of The Second Most Developed Country. WWII In 1941 Japan station troops in Indo-China (Vietnam) after forming an alliance with Germany and Italy. The Americans did not approve of this, and cut off exports to Japan. Japan was not happy about this and attacked Pearl Harbor. Meanwhile Japan were also attacking grey Asia, and expanded their land to the Great East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. The US declared war on Japan and were burning for revenge. In the coming years Japan was bombed intemperately and were pu shed back into their origonal land. Japans cities were being torn down. Then came the final blow, two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan, one in Hiroshima, the other in Nagasaki. Both of them combined killed an estimated 105,000 people. Japan finally surrendered. AFTERMATH The Americans called The Occupation invaded Japan and made them give back all the land not owned by them before the war. Then, led by General Douglas MacArthur, they helped Japan do many things write a new constitution that was fairer to everyone, Create a better trade union. Reform the educational corpse so it was no longer bias to nationalism. Finally they helped to rebuild industry and commerce. This was the most helpful to Japan because the US government gave the Japanese government thousands of millions of dollars. America rebuilt factories and industries with the latest levels of technology, better than their own pre-war factories. They gave them advice and encouragement. Between 1945 and 1950 MacArth ur and the Occupation did what they could to rebuild the Japanese economy. It was as if the Americans felt sorry for the Japanese. Then in June 1950, as if on cue, the Korean war broke out and the UN needed goods and services from Japan.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Citibank – Performance Evaluation
INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT LUCKNOW Written Executive Communication PROJECT REPORT Citi margin Performance military paygrade Submitted to Dr. Payal Mehra Date 26/10/2012 Submitted By Group 8, Section C Anuradha Tyagi (PGP28128) Aditya Singh (PGP28158) Bholendra P. Singh (PGP28143) K. Aditya Das (PGP28139) Vishal Raju (PGP28155) Shweta J. (PGP28159) Table of Contents 1. Abstract2 2. Brief Overview of the current situation3 3. Strategy for strip Analysis5 4. Case Analysis6 5. Recommendations9 6. Implementation11 7. References12 AbstractFrits Seegers, President of Citibank California was put in a tough spot when he had to evaluate crowd together McGaren. Mr. McGaren had for long been a good performer, but with the new-made-fashi iodind consummation evaluation criteria that take customer satisfaction into consideration, he fared below com comparisone. It is now up to Mr. Seegers to take a call on James, should he be given an above par or a below par rating and how lead thi s be communicated to him. Brief Overview of the current situation James McGaran is the manager of the flagship office of Citibank in the Los Angeles area which as well happens to be the most important of Citibanks 31 branches.He has been a veteran not just in the banking sector but besides at Citibank. He had delivered impressive financial results for four years in a row exceeding expectations e rattling(prenominal) case-by-case year. But when customer satisfaction was included as a decision parameter in when it comes to evaluation, it was evident that James did not fare very tumefy on that front. The new criteria for employee evaluation are as follows * Financial Measures Focus was on total r tear downue and profits * Strategy Implementation Tracks revenue from a particular segment relevant to the Banks dodge. Customer Satisfaction Surveys were conducted. Emphasis was laid on long term association. * Control Measures Based on banks internal secure processes. If rating 4, ban k is said to be at risk. * People and Standards Focused on the efforts of the manager to develop and communicate with peers/ employees. Based on the employees performance in these factors a rating was given, the various ratings that provide be given were Par, Below Par and Above Par. Finally, a spheric rating and boilersuit rating for the manager was awarded.Due to the change in performance evaluation criteria, two major(ip) complications flared up First and foremost, Lisa Johnson has to decide the rating of James. concord to banks rule an employee can be given above par rating if and only if he is performing at par in all the criteria. John has been excellent at five performance measurement statistics but lags in matchless i. e. customer satisfaction. So as per the rules he can be given at par rating at best. But Lisa believes that John deserves an above par rating because of his excellent work when it comes to revenues.Secondly, if Lisa decides to give him an at par rating, sh e has to decide the best possible way to communicate her decision. She has to inform him in such a way so that it does not set about either negative effect on James. Lisa wants James to stay with the corporation and she has to make sure that the message is communicated mightily. It is clear that James leave alone not tolerate a below par rating and at this juncture, Citibank cannot afford to lose an employee of James stature. This is a typical Human Resources related situation which has to be dealt with thoroughgoing caution, else there can be dire consequences.Should James ego be hurt, there is a good chance he will quit the caller-up and with his credentials, he should not have much trouble getting another job. At the same time, should he be given an above par rating, it would go against the long term vision of the company. Strategy for Case Analysis This case focuses on the performance evaluation James McGaran. Though the performance evaluation parameters take in Citi is exceedingly quantified, the performance of Mr McGaran is better measured qualitatively. With a consistent above par rating Mr.McGaran has been a model employee. His financials were outstanding- 20% above target. His strategy implementations were highly rated. It was his branch that generated highest revenue and made the greatest margin contribution to the business. The only area he lagged was customer satisfaction rating. James McGaran was extremely elegant towards his ratings. He had worked hard to improve the customer satisfaction rating during the last tooshie. He felt that extremely disappointed that even with fabulous financial results his rating had suffered due to customer satisfaction.The customer satisfaction rating depends on many factors like the location of the bank, the kind of customer it catered to etc. Mr McGarans branch was in Los Angeles. It catered to some really high profile people. The expectation of such demanding occupation from the branch would be compar atively higher(prenominal). Besides the customer rating also affect Citibank assistances rating over and above the branch rating. Hence, judging it on completely quantitative factor wouldnt provide a completely intention rating. Case Analysis Analyzing James on the new parameter is a very difficult task.As James is the manager of the most challenging branch with highly demanding clientele, it is difficult for him to be the best on all the parameter specially customer service. In five out of six parameters James has been rated above par and it is only the customer service where he has been rated below par. Now as per the new parameters he cannot be rated above par overall. But the question is whether it is quick of scent to not rate him above par. Now if we closely analyze the bank headed by James it is clearly visible that it is one of the most demanding banks in the portion not only among Citibank branches but also among rivals.The no. of employees at the bank are just sixteen while the clientele of the bank ranges from Households on one end to sophisticated Business customers on the other and Mom and pop store to the sophisticated retail store on the other. Now this diverse clientele has equally diverse customer service requirements. Customer service requirements of one are different from those of the others. So with a employee bas of just sixteen employees it was practically unthinkable for the branch to provide a very high level of customer service to the clientele.What made things worse for James was that his branch was to bear the blame for the leave out of customer services for services such as ATM for which branch was not responsible but the Citibank as a whole was responsible. To add to the woes of James, one of the employee was absent for the third quarter. So very little was in the hands of the James to improve the services of the branch. The huge size of clientele was also create problem for the branch of James as the no of branches of Citib ank were significantly lower than the rivals, so the no. f clients per employee were very large and hence customer service for his branch was very bad. The biggest hurdle in the promotion of James was that other managers were looking at James. If Seeger gave any benefit to James then the other managers would also demand the same benefits and as such the entire performance evaluation system may fail. also there was a cultism that other managers may not take the new performance evaluation system seriously and the sole objective of the bank may to provide relationship banking may fail.But Seeger also knows that the performance of James was remarkable and that he should be awarded for it but at the same time he was not meeting the criterion. Also Seeger had a fear that if James is not awarded than he may be demoralised to excel at the bank and bring those above expectation financial results. Now analyzing, the new scheme proposed by Seeger to evaluate the performance of the managers. The new Scheme fails to count various factors. The new scheme has various pros and cons. Analyzing these pros and cons it is very clear that the scheme is move short of perfectly evaluating the performance of the managers.As the scheme says that out of six parameters if the manager performs below par in even only one parameter his overall rating cannot be above par. The scheme takes an account on the downside of the performance but does not account for the excellent performance on the other fronts. let us take the case of James, he was rated excellent in five out of six parameters but still he was not rated above par because his performance in one parameter was below par. The scheme concentrated on the downside of the performance but not on the upside.In fact the scheme became a tool to punish the managers rather than rewarding them. In place of this the bank should have weighted all the six parameters with a minimum performance ricochet in all. In this case one could compensate the lack of performance in one parameter by excelling in other parameters. The other major shortcoming of the policy was that the policy talked of minimum performance levels. But it failed to talk about exceptional performances. As financial performance of James branch was higher than what was expected of the branch. The bank was failing to reward this exceptional performance.This was highly demoralising for James as he is not rewarded for his financial performances as that was improving the bottom-line of the company. Also one of the problems that was there with customer satisfaction was that the branch was not responsible for all the services as some services like ATM were provided centrally by the Citibank. And so the branch was not responsible for any lack of service but it was held accountable for that. Also another serious issue was that the bank targeted relationship banking but the number of clients per employee were very large as compared to the rivals.The situation was wor se in the case of James as he had a very diverse clientele and only sixteen employees so it was very difficult for him to perform above par in the Customer service parameter. On analyzing it is very clear that the banks performance evaluation scheme has many shortcomings which have to be taken care of else the deserving manger would rather be punished than getting rewarded. And if this policy implemented as it is, it may lead to demoralization of employees and fall in overall performance of the company. RecommendationsSince five of the six performance measures in James year-end evaluation were above par, the customer satisfaction rating was the only one that caused a significant challenge and had developed financial repercussions for James year-end bonus, which was a significant part of his base salary. Based on his customer satisfaction scores, which was below par according to the banks scripted guidelines, his total evaluation could be only on par in spite of the fact that he exc elled in five other performance areas. In this backdrop two alternatives exist for the company Implement Lisas decisionAccording to Lisa the evaluation could cause James to consider leaving the company, not even so much because of the reduced bonus, but also because of the feeling of being treated unfairly or not being valued by the company. She accept that losing James would be a significant loss for the bank, notwithstanding the fact that it would be hard to find as qualified and dedicated manager as James for the particular branch wherein he brought about a dramatic improvement in customer satisfaction score in the fourth quarter from 54 to 72 and took personal pride in successfully running the hardest branch in the division.Not only would it be a substantial financial dearth in total annual compensation for James, but it would also deal a blow to his self-esteem. She was in favor of providing the due to James even though the branch couldnt perform under customer service parame ter. The outcome of the decision would have been a. Awarding of above par rating to James b. paramount the system and provide James with a bonus of 30% The decision will reward Jamess hard work and commitment towards the validation and will provide him the boost and motivation to perform better. However, there are cons to the decision which are much critical than the gains a.Resentment among other 30 Branch Managers will develop and they will also demand the compensation even though they werent able to achieve all the parameters. Thus achievement in any five parameters of the six will led them to demand the same level of compensation even though the efforts and results are not in commensuration with James one. This is due because of the range provided in the Performance evaluation sheet. b. Undue favor or biased decision will harm companys management squad reputation and will act as a precedent for deviating from defined standards. c. The very motive of the bank to improve upon the customer atisfaction level in the branches will be defeated as there wouldnt be an incentive or motivation for James to achieve the parameters as laid down in the performance scorecard. Follow standard norms and communicate openly detailing companys objective and concern This alternative also serves as our recommendation for the company to adopt in this particular case. As James is not only ambitious, highly qualified employee but also a mature person. He should be briefed by both the officials in a special meeting to explain companys position and adopting a decision to remain consistent across the bank.Even though he delivered an exceptional performance, the customer survey was the sole reason to give him an overall par rating which led to lowering of his bonus. He should be recognized and rewarded suitably for his overall excellent performance and management should express concern of their inability and problem to reward his actual contribution by rating him above par. All t he reasons cited above should be duly explained to him and also future steps to be taken by the management for the improvement of the performance scorecard should also be mentioned accordingly so that his future results are not jeopardized.He should be assured of the best possible addressing of his requests and branch issues by providing him the highest priority in the issues concerned. Implementation This is the first year the balanced scorecard was implemented. Thus, the shortcoming of the scorecard is to be addressed so that all the areas are measured appropriately. Management should go over the survey and get some input from Branch Managers on what indicators are more suited towards customer satisfaction which are totally under the control of th branch and not externally linked.As a token of valuing James performance highest priority is to be assigned to his requests and he should be guided properly in the area of customer satisfaction There may be possibility of balancing othe r exceptional achievements with other areas and keeping rewards for some of the natural parameters separately. This will act as an additional incentive for people to always perform to the best of their capabilities. References * http//hbr. org/product/citibank-performance-evaluation/an/198048-PDF-ENG * Dr. Payal Mehra (2012),Business Communication for Managers, Pearson Education
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Future Competitive Threats of China and India for Industries Essay
Discuss the future competitive menaces of China and India for industries in developed countries. The emergence of China as the mass manufacturing pioneer in the world has carry to the concern that China will soon be competing with the industries in the developed nations. India, at the same time, is emerging as the centre of IT enabled services including software development, and poses probatory terror to the developed countries in high-skill goods and services. Today, the main competitive threat that China and India pose to the developed nations is their cheap labour.They are able to produce basically anything at a much lower price compare to those in the western developed nations. Therefore, they signify threats to these countries. However, on the future prospects, China and India would acquire competitive threat that is different from what they were before. For instance, the education rate in China and India are both increasing, and they produce about half a million of scientis ts and engineers a year analyse to mere 60,000 in the US.Therefore, these skilled labours will take over the current low skilled labours in these two countries and further exploit the opportunities that they have, and compete interrupt in the high skill sectors. In addition, many companies from the developed nations have shifted their R&D centre to the China and India, therefore, China and India are able to insure and gain experience through these foreign R&D centre and excel in innovations in the future. This makes the developed nations to lose their competitive advantage, and signifies competitive threat from China and India.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Counseling Service Essay
There are several stops of reflective judgment theory each stage is divided into three take aims. The level is pre reflective, quasi-reflective, and reflective thinking. Pre Reflective stage is the bookman believes what they hear or what they have seen. Quasi-reflective thinking is when a scholarly person makes his own conclusion on an issue and so researches it to find truth. The student allow make a decision based gut feelings or just what feels right. At this stage, a student will believe what he wants to believe, however, take care others will have different views and respect that both could be right. Reflective judgment is when a student is able to compare different evidence and opinions and construct solution personally. Possible selves involve a student looking at what he could possibly be in the future. When a student struggle or dismiss the value of precept, it can be speculated that his is in the pre reflective stage of the reflective judgment theory.Helping a studen t move from a lower level into the next level of reflective judgment theory can be challenging but possible. This student who is in stage one, would non value education as much and would consider getting a job rather than an education because they can even though they are capable off concrete thinking but usually believe what they see is and never search for the truth. It is also the stage where students do not research or examine their truth. It is important to guide a student when he is in this stage.It would be beneficial for the student to examine his possible self. If he reflect on where he is and where he could be, he must also reflect on how he will get there successfully. If a student is dismissing the value of an education, he is probably in this stage. In order to move him forward, one must try to encourage him to seek other truths andresearch tuition so that he is able to prepare to infinitely defend his position for all points. If education is unimportant he should hav e research arguments for and against continued education before giving up on school.Understanding why the student is dismissing the value of education is going to be the key in helping him keep to the next stage off. If he is making a decision based on his possible self, he could be afraid of what he could possible ferment. matchless poet wrote that Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond imagination. It is our light more than than our darkness.(Williamson, 1992). Sometimes giving up and not seeing what a person could be postdate is easier than fit someone that a person is unfamiliar with.An example of this is a young man that has been economically challenged having the opportunity to attend college but because no one in his family has attended college and are still economically challenged. He could dismiss the importance of an education because he feels that his family will think he would look down on him if he betters himself. If he was in the stage five of this theor y, he would be able to understand that there are other possible solutions to his problems.In stage five of the reflective judgment theory, the student will be able to understand that everyone have different approach to a situation, and one way is no better than the other. Stage five concept of justification states that beliefs are justified within a particular context via the rules of inquiry for that context. Justifications are assumed to be context specific or are balanced against each other, delaying conclusions (Kail, ). If the student reaches this stage, he would be able to better understand the ramification of his decision. He would understand birth point of view before making a decision.Advancing through the stages of the reflective judgment theory occurs as a person become more educated and mature. As a young adult, it is hard to make good decisions because there is not any information to base his decisions on that is reliable. He believes what he sees and hears, but as he b ecomes more comfortable in the school environment and learn more, he would be able to make more informed decisions.Relative Judgment Theory allows a person to reflect on the whats, whos, and the whys. However these questions are intrinsically motivation and the answer must come to the asker. This theory allows the most undereducated person to the advance student the oppurtinuty to be informed and responsible for the decision.ReferencesKail, R.V., & Cavanaugh, J.C. (2010). Human development A life-span view (5th ed.). doi 1009-0001-161F-00001620.Williamson, M. (1992). A return to love. Reflections on the principles of a course in miracles. Harper Collins.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Joy Luck Club: Malignant Gate
What lesson or moral is taught by the fabrication at the beginning of Part II? The lesson taught in the parable is that one should listen to their parents words as they are usually correct and wise. 2. In what way does this parable help to Illustrate the following theme from this aim? The generation gap, Including age and heritage, between mothers and daughters makes communication between them difficult? A child, who grew up only knowing America, will definitely struggle in communication with a mother who was fully Immersed In Chinese culture back when she tarryd in China.Although age does make it difficult, these cultural differences will hinder their communication compensate more than age as they have different perspectives, ideologies and thoughts because of their different upbringing. 3. What might the book, The Twenty-six cancerous Gates represent In this story? The Twenty-six Malignant Gates might represent the experience, the culture and the wisdom of a mother. The mothe r says the child will not agnise as it is written in Chinese, precisely beyond that, it definitely is related to Chinese tradition and culture, and the wisdom of China a child who only knows America will definitely not understand It.Rules of the Game Wavered Gong (Daughter) Lind Gong (Mother) 1. What Is the art of Invisible strength Wavered learns from her mother? The art of invisible strength is the ability/strategy for winning arguments and respect from others. 2. insure two incidents in this chapter where Lind demonstrates her fierce Chinese pride. In page 91, she says that Chinese people are more motivated compared to lazy Americans. In page 99, Lind would say to anyone who sees her that Wavered is her daughter in a very prideful and happy attitude. Shes extremely proud that Wavers skill was developed thanks to undoes teaching, which makes her more proud. State a initiation about life Lind is trying to teach Wavered in the following passage from this chapter. -Shes telling Wavered that If one wants to survive, one must know. -Learn more about the society you live In. 4. In what way does the wind mentioned in the story in the following selection from the story relate back to the wind mentioned In the story about the red candle? The wind is the metaphor for the invisible strength that Lind taught Wavered about in the beginning of the book. Lind used the invisible strength to escape marriage, when she used hanky panky and deception.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
A Study About German Architecture Essay
My German ascendants argon call upd to appreciation come from the northwesterly part of Germany by chance around the metropolis of Hamburg. The metropolis of Hamburg was a major port in the early 1900s and was home to transporting to Africa, East Asia, South America and India. After the desolation of ball War 1 on the put forward, Hamburg lost many of its deal out paths and its booming economic system slowed with the remainder of Germany. This made the causation extremely popular trade port now a port to the new universe. It is believed that my ascendants came from this country around the clip that the war had ended. I believe they came to the United States in hopes of freedom and a new manner of life. The clime in Hamburg is really mild, in its warmest months of June, July, and August the mean temperature is 70 grades Fahrenheit, while in the coldest months of December, January, and February the norm is 30 grades Fahrenheit. Hamburg is located in the southmost portion of the Jutland peninsula on the Albe River.Although in their pure signifier hunting and assemblage, every bit straightforward as gardening and pastoralism are non subsistent schemes of nowadays in the German civilization, thoughts from each are apply in a more modern manner when it comes to the states utilization of agribusiness. Though agribusiness is non the largest subsistence scheme ( virtually 5 % of underta cognategers work in agricultural ) thither is said to be every bit much as 53 % of land in Germany used for agricultural intents. thither is about(predicate) 15 % of pastoral land used for cowss, hogs, domestic fowl and some sheep. Much of the dairy land is found in the southern part of Germany, hogs and cowss are frequently grazing land in the mountain parts. To puzzle forth the nutrient, milk, and wool these domesticated animate beings provide there are many engineerings used today which were non originally portion of pastoralism. These many types of engineerings used i n cultivating animate beings include a type of fence or lodging to maintain the animate beings closely confined ( henhouses for poulets ) , machines to assist bring forth and milk the cattles, automatic eating systems are sometimes used to hold the animate beings, round bailer for hay, nutrient bins or silos to hive away nutrients much(prenominal) as grain and hay, unreal insemination kits are used to increase the quality of compel and increase the construct rate, shearing tools are used to begin the wool off of the sheep, Canis familiariss are anyways frequently used to heard the sheep. The role of labour in cultivating these animate beings has shifted over clip from labour intensive and human powered, to more of a technologically goaded system that includes machinery and other powered equipment. Human labour is still needed but non in the capacity as it was in old old ages, human accomplishment is besides a chief portion of the division of labour. A Shearer is needed to cl ean the sheep of its wool, veterinaries to give shootings and assist maintain the animate beings healthy, every bit respectable as proficient persons who know how to properly tally and practise the powered equipment.Horticultural merchandises that are produced in Germany are dependent on the part of the state where they are adult, as the terrains vary. In the northern part and parts of easterly Germany you will happen merchandises such as sugar Beta vulgariss and cereals ( grain corn and corn-cob mix ) which receive up about 56 % of the cultivable land. 17 % of this cultivable land is inhabited by eatage harvests, largely in parts where population is scarce. industrial harvests such as oil-rich seeds, hops, baccy, herbs, and spice workss are produced on about 15 % of this cultivable land. Approximately 12 % of the cultivable land is f cater or produces al-Qaeda harvests such as carrots and yams. Vegetables and fruits such as grapes used to do vino compile around 1 % of the cult ivable land and are found in the hills of the many coastal river metropoliss that are really common in Germany most of which prevarication on the Rhine and the Mecca rivers. There are many agricultural engineerings used to acquire the most out of these harvests with every bit small aid from the human manus as possible. Large machines such as combines, tractors, harvest plantation owners and ploughs allow for the usage of a few human custodies and supply the ability to reap many acres.A Irrigation systems are used to assist the harvests grow and are frequently fit out up in Fieldss like overhanging sprinkler systems, fertiliser is used to maintain the dirt rich and is modernly used in liquid signifier and is by and large held in a armored combat vehicle that is attached to either a tractor or harvest plantation owner, seeders which are used to works the harvests, there is besides other cultivated land and reaping equipment available for usage. The division of labour is separated by corporeal labourers who rely on human power to make things such as picking stones and puting up irrigation systems to trained workers who operate the heavy machinery. Most of the farms where this takes topographic foretell are household own and run on less(prenominal) than 150 estates. More than 75 % of the land used to cultivate harvests and animate beings in Germany is found in the western part, this land allows for the state to provide themselves with about 80 % of their one-year nutrient demands.Germany is one of Europe s top industrial powers and is besides Europe s prima exporter of vehicles, chemicals and machinery. Its strongest industrial countries are vehicles, chemicals, machinery, machine tools, steel, Fe, coal, and a certain drink beer. Top companies in the German auto industry include BMW, Audi, Porsche, Mercedes, and Volkswagen. These companies help Germany remain near the top of the universe s automotive industry. The fabrication of these autos is done in assembl y and production mills where the usage of machinery, robotics, every bit well behaved as human accomplishment and labour are the chief divisions of engineering and the assembly line is the most common signifier of production. The division of labour in the automotive industry includes extremely educated and skilled workers who work in the assembly workss as the applied scientists and directors. There is besides catch up with labourers, most of which work straight on the line bring forthing parts that help set your auto together from its engine constituents, to axles, to organic structure casting. separate pay labourers include those who adhere windscreens, install Windowss, tyres and other pieces that when set together do up your German car.The electronic revolution is really prevailing in Germany and much like the United States and the remainder of the universe is tilting towards the usage of information engineering to garner information of many different topics. These informati on engineerings include things such as banking where you can put up direct bank deposit with your employer every bit good as keep path of your personal fiscal history information and touristry which allows you to do travel programs without the usage of an agent. Other information engineerings include transit, instruction, gas pumps, and the largest of all communicating by manner of the cellular phone. Cell phones allow people to pass on from any lieu at any clip of the 24 hours, they are besides now frequently used as nomadic computing machines which merely increases their convenience. For these nomadic communicating devices to work decently engineerings include computing machine hardware and package to pull off the different cell phone histories, every bit good as towers and orbiters to supply a signal and frequence for these phones to be expeditiously used. The division of labour includes IT people, who create and maintain web sites and computing machine scheduling, physical la bourers who are used to put up the towers and do other necessary field work, every bit good as directors who run the twenty- iv hours to twenty-four hours retail operations and gross revenues people who sell the phones and supply information to accepting people a companies.The German political system is a concentrate system which means people yield their sovereignty to this centralised authorities by following regulations and Torahs that work been laid out for the citizens to follow. Germanys Basic Law or Constitution divides the power of authorities into three members. They have a bicameral parliamentary legislative assembly which includes the federal council besides known as the Bundesrat, which holds 69 members, all of which are nominated by the province and the Bundestag ( federal assembly ) which has over 600 members who are elected by popular ballot to a four twelvemonth term. The executive subdivision is made up of the President ( head of province ) and Chancellor ( caput of authorities ) . The president is elected to a fin twelvemonth term by the federal assembly and an equal figure of delegates from each province parliament, while the Chancellor is elected to a four twelvemonth term by the federal assembly. The Federal Constitutional Court is elected every bit by both the Bundestag and Bundesrat and do up their judicial subdivision of authorities. Germany uses negative reciprocality when it comes to their informal economic and personal manner of interchanging goods and services. This means that the individual who is supplying the good or service is gaining from the dealing more so than the receiving system or purchaser. Economic exchange comes in the signifier of market exchange where there is a excess of goods that are sold for a light up income and is based on the degrees of supply and demand.Germany is officially based on the economic system of capitalist economy, which promotes economic growing. Capitalism is when goods, services, labour, and resources are sold off for a net income at market where benefits travel to both the buyer and provider, even though the provider is gaining the most. The dislocation of economic sectors in Germany include 72 % trey or service, about 27 % secondary or fabrication, while merely about 1 % is primary or the extraction of natural stuffs. The GDP per capita reduce from $ 35,900 in 2008 to $ 34,200 in 2009, while the unemployment rate rose from 7.8 & A in 2008 to 8.2 % in 2009, demoing that the economic system was and still is experiencing the sick effects of the planetary economic state of affairs.There are many different faiths practiced freely in Germany under the basic jurisprudence and they all pattern monotheism which concludes they all believe in one supreme higher being. The figure one faith is Christianity with about 67 per centum who are chiefly located in southern and eastern Germany. The figure two faith is Islam at around 4 per centum, most of whom are immigrants from Turk ey. The remainder of the spiritual sector is made up of largely Buddhism and Judaism. There is besides a strong population of Germans who believe there is no God and pattern Atheism. Though most of the people in Germany do non go to church on a regular footing most still recognize spiritual ceremonials such as vacations, baptisms, matrimonies, and funerals. Some spiritual vacations include undecomposed Friday, Easter Monday, Fronleichnam ( 60 yearss after Easter ) , and Weihnachten ( German name for Christmas ) . Though faith is practiced freely there are Torahs in topographic point that revenue enhancement members of their several churches to assist fund any and all church related disbursals. This revenue enhancement can either be unruffled by the community the church is in or the province. If you are non portion of a church that collects these revenue enhancements so you merely do non hold to pay the church revenue enhancement.Marriage in Germany is typical to that of the United States as people are free to take who they marry which is known as turn in lucifer, while the type of matrimony practiced is a monogynist one, intending there is merely one partner. Their post-marital abode is neolocal, this is when the honeymooners get their ain place outside of the bride or grooms abode. Descent in Germany is unilineal, intending that affinity can be traced through either the female parent s or father s line. Germans refer to kin fundamentally the same manner that we do in the United States though distant relations such as 2nd cousins or great uncles have no specific differentiation. Kinship is of import to the German people and is shown most during vacations, household assemblages, and other of import parts in a individual s life. The in-between crime syndicate is the most prevailing societal category at about 54 per centum of the population, though there has been much noted to the fact that this category is and has been acquiring smaller over the past old age s. Cultural groups in Germany consist chiefly of Germans at around 92 per centum, while 2.4 per centum are of Turkish descent, while the other class consists chiefly of Greek, Italian, Russian, Polish, and Spanish at about 6 per centum. Though adult females in Germany do hold equal rights they are still strongly leaned upon for childrearing patterns every bit good as twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours household responsibilities.Watching the picture Romantic Germany every bit good as questioning person who really lived in Germany truly helped me to better understand the civilization in which they live. Most big metropoliss every bit good as holidaymaker finishs are located on one of the major waterways that flow through this state. Outside, in the hills of these metropoliss is where you will happen many household owned vineries every bit good as smaller pastoralist farms that house animate beings such as cowss and sheep. Lake Constance, the biggest lake in Germany is one of th e most popular recreational and tourer finishs in Europe. It is located on the Rhine in the northern part of the Alps and is surrounded by neighbouring states Switzerland and Austria, there are besides many dumbly populate metropoliss along the seashore of this lake and you will most likely discovery farm animal graze in the hills of these metropoliss.One of the state s most storied and recognizable fiestas is Oktoberfest the universe s largest just held every twelvemonth in Munich which consists of some 6 million participants in its 16 18 twenty-four hours entireness. The festival is known for its great nutrient, music, carnival drives, and beer imbibing. The chief athletics in Germany is soccer and you will ever hold an chance to take part as the state is home to over 1,000 club squads. Other popular athleticss in Germany include bobsleighing, luge, and skeleton partially because they are the lone state in the universe to hold four paths for each athletics. Other popular recrea tional activities include biking and boosting through the countryside. Germany s most celebrated professional jocks include Boris Becker and Steffi Graf, both of which are agent expansive sweep winning tennis participants along with former expression one universe title-holder Michael Schumacher. Bernard Langer is a erstwhile Masterss golf title-holder and former universe figure one golf player. Presently the most popular German jock executing in an American athleticss conference is former most valuable player and power forward for the Dallas Mavericks Dirk Nowitzki.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Cooking Equals Art Essay
You know the saying The Way To A Mans plaza is Through His Stomach, well I think e trulyone would agree with me when I say the way to anyones he device is through their stomach. Cooking has to be through during ones life time it is not something that can be easily avoidable. Its something valet de chambrey people do on regular basic principle and has become an expert in. What you do every day consider art. Art can be acknowledged as something that is created and then just consumed. Yes. Cooking is art because preparedness is doing something that you do repeatedly, and have a general or higher knowledge in.Cooking takes you to the highest of the high. Exactly what is grooming? Something so essential has a very simple meaning. It is the time process of food preparation through applied heat. While cooking, a person has to keep in mind a plenitude of other factors that finally lead to the product of making delicious food. Art according to the OED is the skills of doing something th at you have had knowledge of or practice. (Art) Comparing that to cooking, we can easily come to the fore in cooking where art is and say cooking according to the OED is the skills of doing something that you have had knowledge of or practice.That however is not true for both of those statements because one mans chef-doeuvre of art can be 5 dramatic lines on a canvas, while one mans masterpiece of cooking can just be a plate with steak, peas and cranberry sauce. The assortment and place of the line and food on a plate though would be considering art. Our old-fashioned ancestors first discovered that heat could be applied to make food taste better. This was the evolution of cooking. Cooking has not become extinct, now over tens of thousands of long time later.Rather than that it has grown into variations and forms that are extremely creative in expression and infinite. According to the latest paleo-archeological information, the oldest art was created by humans during the prehisto ric Stone Age, amid 300,000 and 700,000 years ago. (Visual Arts) Most anthropologists believe that cooking fires began only about 250,000 years ago. Primatologist Richard Wrangham suggested that cooking was invented as far back as 1. 8 million to 2. 3 million years ago. (The Executives Stulum). Only 50,000 years apart, cooking first, art and cooking were very close in relation.The diversity of location was a major contribute in why cooking styles, techniques, and even food was different. Due to diverse ecosystems and climates early civilization had to use the resources and technologies that were available locally. The Chinese, as an example, developed wok cooking as an answer to the scarcity of firewood. By cooking over a small hot flame and stirring constantly to prevent burning the food, the use of dismiss was maximized. (Art Form). Just how art was forming 50,000 years later due to the location art was also different in parts of the world just like cooking. regimen can be cons idered as an art for example the decoration of a food, the way a food is constructed in the plates, or even the way umteen different foods are being mixed in order to create a refreshed food. Sometimes even people consider the arrangement of plates in a table as an art. This is called Table Art. Brillat-Savarin in his book, The physiology of taste states that cooking is the oldest of all arts. He says that Adam was born hungry and even a new born child first looks for become feed by his nurse right after he comes to new world (Physiology of taste, 300).He also believes that cooking and food is the finest art that has had the most influence on humans civilization (300). Food is one of the fewest things in the whole world that almost everyone becomes fit with. When people eat, a kind of satisfaction and pleasure makes them happy. But happy is not the only expression connected with food you have happy, disgust, anger, delighted and many more. Everybody is different and just how one dish can make a person happy by it, it can make another person gross out by it. Everyone would get their very different experience, just how you would look at art and experience a different reaction.Whereas you look at a glossy painting and feel intrigued but the person next to you is confused. In art you need your utensils to create a piece of work. The same rule applies in cooking. Yes in cooking you dont need to use any other instruments to help you cook other than your hands which by the way brings out the artificer ability right there. But you can prepare the food to get that extraordinary flavor. A good cook is also a creative one. He or she is not afraid of trying new ways and exploring new methods. He or she has an experimental mind that is coupled with a good finger of taste.The problem is that, because of the experimental nature of the work, the process of creating a masterpiece can get lost in the act of creation. However, the process of creating a culinary masterpiec e does not stop there. There must also be a stage of ever refinement to the basic process. For example, should less sugar be added? Should I add more spices? Should I lower the temperature of the heat? These are little adjustments to the process that will turn a recipe from being just OK to excellent. (Art Form) For that, a good cook is not only a creative one.He or she is the master of their masterpiece. The ability to improve upon an old recipe or create an exciting new recipe is a talent a very special few can accomplish with little or no training, but almost anybody with the proper training and a genuine interest in excellent food and its preparation can become an exceptional visionary chef. Cooking is something that cannot be striket. In art the qualities of a cook must be ingrained in a person. But that does not mean that you cannot learn a few scrumptious dishes. Works Cited art, n. 1. OED Online. September 2011. Oxford University Press.12 October 2011 Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme, and M. F. K. Fisher. The Physiology of Taste, Or, Meditations on Transcendental Gastronomy. New York Knopf, 2009. Print. Cooking history and info. The Executives Stulum. The Executives Stulum, 09 Oct. 2011. Web. 13 Oct. 2011 cooking, n. . OED Online. September 2011. Oxford University Press. 12 October 2011 Earliest Art of Prehistory Visual-art-corks. com. Encyclopedia of Art. 19 Jan. 2009. Web. 13 Oct. 2011 Murray, Richard Cooking As an Art Form. EzineArticles. com. Ezine Article Group, 12 Feb. 2010. Web. 12 October. 2011.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
“Lord of the Flies†by William Golding Essay
We were innocent in the first place we started to begin feeling guilty and deep inside the nook of our minds and hearts we have found a hidden comfort that we once had and now seek. One of the most precious gifts one dismiss obtain in life is the gift of innocence and once it has been taken out it can no longer be returned. The term innocence is interpreted as the freedom from guilt or sin through universeness innocent(predicate) with worthless. Once a child is exposed to blind ideas such as believing the world is a perfect place and then realizes the stiffness which inhabits within it, innocence is lost. William Goldings Lord of the Flies outlines how civilization allows globe to remain innocent and once the needs for survival become crucial, the primitive instincts of man must come to parity with the necessities one needs to survive. While loss of innocence is a predominant theme in the falsehood, the symbols of the sentient being, the do faces, and the forest clarifi cation help to illustrate the importance of savagery created within the boys all over their time on the island.Man lead always try to convince themselves that there is no evil inside of them by making something or someone else seem to be the cause of evil this is mainly observable in the idea that the boys instil fear in themselves due to the existence of the beast. Realistically, the beast symbolizes the inner beast inside all of the boys on the island and eventually leads each of them to lose their innocence and affix their savage deal instincts based on their fear and expansion of belief in the beasts existing. A significant part in the novel in which the beast is introduced is in Chapter 2, page 34 where one of the little boys claims that he had seen the beastie somewhere inside of the woods. At this early point in the novel we are open to see the imagination in which all the boys have put into effect on what exactly the beastie looks like and it is kind of evident that Golding has used this idea in the earlier chapters to later portray the scene of chaos and terror of the beast.The discovery that something otherwise than the boys is on the island creates fear in all of them in which their animalistic instincts will begin to surface because now they fear their safety and the need for survival must be placed into effect. The beast initself can be symbolized as incarnation of the Christian notion of Satan, which motivates the boys to become more cruel and violent in behavior. The characters of Ralph and Jack are also affected by the beasts existence for it creates a rupture between them and their followers, where the follow up to the end of the book shows how all the boys will turn on Ralph, who throughout most of the novel was the most civilized. Simon, being the Christ-like figure in Lord of the Flies, is the only character who communicates with the beast and is one of the most ethical characters that realize the inner beast amongst the other boy s on the island, especially when the boys believe in solely having fun instead of finding ways to get off the island and getting back home.This has gone instead far enough. My poor misguided child do you think you know better than I do? There was a pause. Im ideal you. Im going to get angry. Dyou see? Youre not wanted. Understand? We are going to have fun on this island. (Golding, 144)Simon is also the only character who discovers that the dead parachutist that had landed on the island is the imaginary beast that everyone has become terrified of and is also the cause of the diminishing human morality within the boys. When he attempts to tell the rest of the boys that he had witnessed the dead parachutist, the boys are under impression that Simon is the beast because they are sightless and in a disquietude they brutally murder him.An equally pregnant symbol as in comparison to the beast would be the fact that the boys paint their faces. When Jack had appeared before his root of boys with his face smeared in clay like war paint he decides in taking the boys on a pig hunt. The mask then internally transforms Jack in which his primal instincts come to surface. He began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling (Golding, 64). It appears evident that the boys are change state savage like because of their painted faces, the paint masks are used to infiltrate all the boys souls because now they feel more powerful. The masks not only instigate the evil inside all of the boys however are symbols representing the chaos currently going on in the world which is war. For hunting. Like in the war. You know dazzle paint. Like things trying tolook like something else (Golding, 63). With this idea in mind the anonymity of the masks create chaos and violence in which it furthers the boys advantage in killing the beast.Now that the boys are corrupted by the beast and have strengthened their egos by painting their faces, innocence that a child should withho ld is lost because now their innate instincts are to act war-like which the demeanour of an adult are. Just as in war, death to an opposing team causes blood-lust for the victorious person, in this case it would be Jack who succumbs himself to the thrill of violence, creates his own sub-society, and engages in rituals of violence and slaughter. Furthermore, the clash between Jack and Ralph grows deeper because of Jacks tyrannical rule and Ralphs democratic perspective, and the fact that Jack is more concerned on becoming a better hunter where as Ralph is concerned in getting everyone off of the island creates huge tension between them and foreshadows the breakdown in which the boys will create for themselves in their invented society. It is easy for one to hide behind a mask to hide fear precisely in the novels context the masks do not work as something that shelters the boys but rather liberates and frees them into believing they can do anything they want while wearing it and not worrying about important matters.Another symbol throughout the novel Lord of the Flies would be the forest glade which is the open space in the jungle that Simon finds. Although it seems that the forest glade seems minor in its symbolism it actually has greater meaning than depicted. Simon is the only character who sees the jungle as a tranquil and beautiful place as compared to Jacks character that only sees the jungle as a dangerous place. Later on throughout the novel when Simon returns to the forest glade he is met with the pigs steer in which a peaceful place has now been disrupted by this bloody offering, which later symbolizes the innate human evil that affects and harms childhood innocence.A child, being symbolized as a peaceful jungle with nothing to harm it, has become corrupt by something such as the pigs head being brought into the childs environment. The pigs head now instigates the childs innate and natural evil to come out so that it can find the needs to survive a nd because of this, innocence has been lost. Living in the 21st century means that throughout peoples entire lives they become sheltered from evilsdepicted in things such as the media, but once we are exposed to the outside world and engage in immoral acts and grow out of being a child, we automatically lose that innocence we once obtained because everything becomes a game of survival of the fittest.Due to all the dominant symbols in the novel Lord of the Flies, it is extremely evident how all of them work together to structure the central theme of loss of innocence. All the boys on the island had been exposed to ideas that have been kept blind to them before that had reached the island, but still they were able to survive nature by bringing forth their innate human instincts. The boys being quite educated and reserved in their lives before coming to island shows that loss of innocence can occur to anyone no matter what lifestyle they lived prior. The fear the boys had throughout th e novel brings forth the loss of innocence because it represents the latent evil instilled within all humans especially when they are placed in certain environmental conditions in which for the boys was the island they had landed on.The island itself being seen as a paradise comes to an end when the boys instinct take control of their rationality. Society today is still faced with the inner beast inside many people this is quite evident in the fact that our world today is still filled with criminals, gangs and tyrannical people. If humans werent so instantly triggered by their innate evil desires then their wouldnt be treacherous acts of rape and there wouldnt be secret organizations such as the vigilantes of Ku Klux Klan that advocate one races supremacy over another.The things the boys of the island in Lord of the Flies do are just a miniscule example of real life-size issues that can occur anywhere at anytime in ones life that brings out the inner-beast in everyone. The experien ce of losing ones innocence is often part of growing up but can be painful and tragic. tragedy in this experience unlike any other faced in a persons lifetime is that innocence is the gift that once its damaged it cannot be retained again and all senses of lifes marvels are lost simply because of humans innate evils.
Monday, May 20, 2019
“Australian Rules†essay Essay
Australian rules is set in a small rural town, where the relationships mingled with the white townspeople and the cardinal people on the mission are complex, conflicted and marred by deep entrenched racism. The local football game team in many ways serves to represent the town, it reflects the conflicted relationship between the white people and the uncreated people- we begin to understand this as the film unfolds. Other themes inherent in the film are themes of family, love, intrustyty and madness- the secrecy of domestic abandon and the more overt forms of racial violence that spill out onto the public spheres of the football field and the pub.The opening narration informs us that half the football team is Aboriginal and that on that point would not be a football team without the Aboriginal players, then we understand how the town team relies on the talent and number of the Aboriginal players. We then witness the contradiction of the white and Aboriginal boys playing si de by side as team members followed by the accessible segregation between the members afterwardsward the match. This segregation is highlighted by Blacky (a white boy from town) and Dumby (an Aboriginal boy who is the beat player on the team) whose friendship transcends these borders and we also witness ways that this segregation between the white adolescent and Aboriginal teenagers is culturally imposed by certain adults.In one of the beginning scenes, just after a football match, Dumby and Blacky want to hang out together, but Dumby is taken back to the mission by an older friend and Blacky cannot follow. Blacky, Clarence and Dumby all call out to each other Nukkin ya and this use of Aboriginal wording between two Aboriginal teenagers and Blacky the white boy signifies the level of their friendship and mutualacceptance. Pickles comment to Blacky that at once he even talks like one, symbolises the towns disapproval of such gaze for Aboriginal culture and Aboriginal people.The character of fair, Dumbys older friend from the mission, plays an important role in the film. He was once a talented football player himself but no longer kicks goals for whitefellas and he is significant because he is the main character to communicatoryise that Aboriginal people are treated differently and unfairly. He is somewhat aggressive in his approach, expressing bitterness and resentment, yet it is implied that his approach is reactionary to the way he has been treated, and his statementsoverlooked by the white bus topology- are significant examples of changing responses to uneven power dynamics.For example the white coach tells Dumby to make sure all the Aboriginal team players turn up to the conterminous match and Pretty interjects stating that it doesnt work that way anymore, his metaphor of yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir, clearly refers to the history of Aboriginal people being used as servants and points out that the coachs approach of lodge Dumby almost is no longer appropriate. Unfortunately the coach does not take this message on and rather than acknowledging the Aboriginal boys as talented, valuable and indeed essential team players, he nervously treats them as unreliable boys who whitethorn destroy the teams chances by not turning up.This attitude of relying on Aboriginal talent, whilst refusing to fittingly acknowledge this talent is made explicitly clear during the award giving ceremony that takes place after the team win the finals. Pretty is made to leave the ceremony after he disputes the truth of a speech slightly the egalitarian nature of football whereyou can be anyone, from anywhere, and receive the recognition you deserve. Pretty is immediately proved to be right when the awards are given only to white boys, and Dumby, who is apparently the most talented player on the team is left completely unacknowledged. There is a order shift in Dumbys response and he becomes more like Pretty, demonstrating anger and resentment, rather than his rule cheerful, co operative self. This gives us insight into Prettys character and how he may collect developed the attitude that he has towards white people. Pretty and Dumbys break-in to the pub that very dark can be interpreted as a direct response to the unfairness of the award ceremony- although there are characters, such as the coach, who are not willing to count on the connection. The fact that Dumby is then kill by Blackys baffle is a complicated event with many layers of meaning. The insights we have been given about Blackys founder prior to the shooting is that of a man who dominates his family, puts down his sons for showing vulnerability and who physically abuses his wife. There areinstances in which we can see links between the violence he demonstrates towards his family and the verbal and physical violence he feels justified in displaying towards Dumby, and then later towards Dumbys sister, Clarence. There is a scene in which the father physical ly attacks Blacky and forces Blacky to declare obedience to him (regarding the shooting), meanwhile verbally abusing Clarence with racial slurs and ordering her to get out of his house. During this scene the camera pans onto the faces of the Blackys mother and siblings and we see how domestic and racial violence become enmeshed, that the fathers attack on Blacky for being with Clarence is an act of violence that hurts his whole family. interestingly it is Clarence who is the least cowed in this scene, she does not show fear and walks outwith dignity. In this way we can see how control and domination is a particular pattern in this family, but is not taken on by Clarence.In many ways, the shooting, and the following events, are catalysts for great changes, both in the town, and more specifically in Blackys family. Blacky rejects his parents demands to maintain loyalty to his father and instead Blacky remains loyal to his friendship with Dumby. Blackys rejection of his fathers author ity instigates other members of the family, such as his mother and next youngest brother who subtly take Blackys side. The scene where his brother urges him to get up and face his father, (when his father beat him to the ground), symbolises the request of his family for Blacky to represent them all and challenge the fathers authority. The resolution of the film sees the father gone, leaving Clarence and Blacky happily together but planning to this town that has nothing for them. The fate of the town is not so happy, the boys from the mission wont come to town and there is no longer a football team.In many ways we can see how Australian rules reflects the complexities of human relationships- of love and loyalty and hatred and violence, and clearly demonstrates how deeply entrenched racism hurts everyone. The town, through its racism has destroyed the tentative trust of the Aboriginal people and has lost its glory- its winning football team. Its seems empty, a place only frank for le aving.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Introduction to Business Finance Essay
Used when a fear wishes to buy a good. It lets the business supplier know the requirements of the compevery making the companionship. The form ordain include both(prenominal) emptor and supplier contact details, along with an order and reference number. It allow also show the quantity required, descriptions and prices. This will be the beginning of the process. It will be processed by the business, who will then get the order ready for dispatch. The use of these is an ongoing process. Delivery Note The delivery none is employ by the business who is providing the goods.It gives the barter forr a list of all the products they will be receiving. It details any goods that ar unavailable. It will also state the relevant order and reference number. This follows the purchase order in the sequence of events. Again, this is a document that is used in an ongoing process. Goods Received Note This document is sent from the buyer to the seller. It gives both businesses a record of what goods stimulate actually been received. The businesses send packing use it as a get out with the purchase order, delivery note and with their stock levels. This document will follow the delivery of goods.The buyer will check through all received and then produce the document. Invoice An invoice is a document that shows a business what earnings is required. It gives all the details of the goods ordered and delivered, including the quantity and the price. It will also show any discounts, and if any VAT is being charged. This again will have the relevant reference and order numbers. Invoices are sent to businesses once delivery has occurred. Usually, invoices are sent on a regular basis. Credit / calculate Notes This will reduce the amount the buyer owes the seller.If payment has not been received, the buyer pays less, or the note shadower be used with future purchases. Reasons for this includes * The business has been overcharged on the invoice. * There has been an error on the invoice e. g. the prices. * When damaged, incorrect or unsuitable goods are returned. This will follow the invoice. The document will be sent later on either the buyer or seller has highlighted the error or fault. Statements of Account sent by the championship The seller will send this document on a regular basis. It highlights to the buyer the current piazza of their account.It will show what payments have been received and how much the business still owes. It also records all the invoices and recognize notes the buyer has been sent. This is an ongoing process. It will occur on a regular basis often monthly. It does not specifically follow the issue of any other document. Remittance Slips Advice The buyer sends this document to the seller advising that payment is being made to them. If the buyer is paying an invoice by cheque, they will usually include this with the remittance advice. These will be used on a regular basis. They will always follow the invoice.Cheques Businesses that have accounts with banks or building societies will be issued with a cheque system. A cheque is a order of payment for the buyer and seller to use. Usually, the buyer will write a cheque to make payments jibe to an Invoice or the amount on the Statement of Account. It is a safe method of payment, as it can be sent through the post and only the payee can use the cheque. These will be used on a regular basis. They will always follow the purchase and the business receiving its goods. It may be sent after the Invoice has been received or after the Statement of Account.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Do Black People Have Equality with Whit People in the Us in Teh 21st Century? Essay
I would agree with this statement nevertheless I would also conceive of there are aspects of the locating of non-white masses that did change in these years and the impacts of which could be debated. In 1945, the Second World War ended. Black peoples status hadnt changed merely their attitudes had. They started to head why they were fighting for freedom in other countries, against the Nazi oppression of minorities (mainly Jewish), when they didnt evening take a shit it at home? The war provided a basis for the cultured rights faeces to argue their crusade for equality.However, the menace of communism to the Americans was very real, they forethoughted it would take over their capitalist government and traditions of freedom. The threat was very sincere to the USA as can be seen over the next decade, with the Korean War in 1953 where the field was split in half between communistic and capitalist and the whole of the Cold War (1947-1991 approx). This fear of communism wa s used against groups such as the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People) and as a resolve they were banned in Alabama in 1956.Using communism to dirty the reputations of desolate organisations was common and quite a effective due to the fear of it, heightened thanks to Joseph McCarthy. McCarthy was a senator who accused members of the United States government of being communist or being Soviet spies. It could be said that they were gaining enough influence/importance to be considered a threat and banned which, in turn, could show some progress. Education was a major part of the civil rights movement. Schools were segregated and inconsistency was current throughout most of the entropyern states.Cases like the Brown vs. Topeka case in 1954 could challenge the let on merely equal idea easily and had a good expectation of winning, and of proving discrimination. Black schools were vastly different to white schools especially in funding, each white chi ld would be worth over $100 more than a down(p) child. Black classes were overcrowded and black teachers got paid significantly less. This meant that they were not fountainn the same opportunities as white children. The Brown vs.Topeka case challenged all this but while there was change in legal terms (de jure), it influenced the events at Little Rock and was a winning case for the civil rights movement, there was little change in peoples opinions and the status and treatment of black people (de facto) and progress was very slow with much white resistance. Some schools even closed come out so they wouldnt have to enrol black students, and there was an influx in Klu Klux Klan members and also the prospect up of White Citizens Councils. This showed that many whites did not want these changes to happen and would go to great lengths to resist them. other large problem, where black people were treated as inferior, was the segregation on coach-and-foures and on public transport. so me black people could not afford private cars and lived some distance from their employment due to the separate areas where white and black had to live. Because of this 75% of local bus revenue was gained from black people. Despite the high black to white ratio of use on the bus there were strict rules ,regarding seating, such as having to give up the seat, or not allowed to sit next to or in the same row as a white person. This did not change much in the years 1945- 1955 apart from the boycott in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.Similar to the boycott in Montgomery two years later (Martin Luther King was exalt by this idea and also how they organised car-pooling), in Baton Rouge local bus companies suffered a significant loss of m peerlessy and were forced to compromise with black people. While the prime(prenominal) two rows of the bus were still reserved for whites and black people still had to enter from the back, the middle seats were on first come basis. Although not as successful as t he Montgomery Bus Boycott 2 years later, it provided a stepping stone for the civil rights movement and showed that peaceful protest could achieve, that limited, results.However this happened in one place and received little or no media coverage and this meant the rest of America didnt get along roughly it and it didnt affect them. Conditions for black people stayed the same. It is, in my opinion, not accurate to say the status of black people changed due to President Truman. Instead, the awareness of black discrimination increased. Although there are doubts about Trumans real motives for his role in trying to fight racism. He established a citizens committee for civil rights called United States Commission On Civil Rights.The FECP which released a report titled To Secure These Rights in 1947, in which problems and solutions to combat discrimination were outlined. This was a dangerous move for Truman and his lack of support especially from the south do it difficult to follow th rough with the solutions his committee proposed. He used his authority to desegregate the troops. This however was not as successful at first as many people (even top army generals) resisted it for as long as they could and there was still the same amount of racism.It did change the status of black soldiers because they, technically, were on the same level as white soldiers. Another thing that Truman did was integrate his inauguration, which seems like a small step but a step none the less showed that he was making a point against segregation. So while he did open the publics eyes to the racism and discrimination that happened, in some ways he didnt particularly change the status and even made it worse in some ways. For example some slums were knocked down to build better housing but the accommodation built was more spacious meaning less houses and many people were left homeless.In conclusion, the status of black people did not change a lot in the years 1945-1955 even though there were some important breakthroughs, such as the Brown vs Topeka case and Trumans attempts at reform. However I believe these attempts didnt change the actual status of black people and the attitudes towards them by white people. Some could argue that the views of the USA were hypocritical, when fighting for freedom in other countries but couldnt even provide equality at home. The years following 1955 saw the civil rights movement pick up and changes in society.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Slavery Developed in All of the English Colonies of North America. Was This Institution the Same in All the Colonies Did This Form of Labour Have the Same Level of Importance in Each of the Areas? Why or Why Not?
Large-scale African slaveholding was introduced into the incline colonies of North America around the middle of the seventeenth century. Although thralldom developed in all of the British colonies, it did non have the same level of importance in each of the areas of settlement. Slavery mainly interpenetrate over those areas where there were large plantations of high-value cash crops, such as tobacco, indigo, shekels, sift and coffee. Consequently, in the Chesapeake and the southern colonies, this name of labour rapidly became the basis of their economies.In New Eng realm and the Northern colonies, however, slavery was going to remain peripheral. The settlers? take up for cheap labour to work on their plantations was one of the main reasons why the British colonies began to import enslaved Africans. In the Chesapeake area, successful tobacco cultivation required abundant land (since the crop quickly drained tarnish of nutrients). Consequently, plantations gradually spread ou t along the regions rivers and planters quickly found themselves being land rich but labour poor. At first, indentured servants were used as the needed labour.These servants were mainly small English men who, in exchange for their transportation costs, had to provide four to seven years of ease labour in the plantations. Once the period of indenture was over, those servants who managed to survive service were given freedom dues. However, in the 1660s, when the supply of indentured servants began to dry up (partly because the English economy improved and people started having better opportunities there) tobacco cultivators turned to a new source of labour African slaves.Planters first imported already enslaved Africans from Caribbean sugar islands (the Atlantic creoles) but then, they began to purchase slaves directly from Africa. Although this new labour force was usually more valuable than indentured servants, it proved to be highly profitable because slaves, as well as their of fspring, meant a animation of service. As a result of the introduction of slavery, golf-club became more stratified the Chesapeake colonies developed a three-tiered society with planters at the top, few poor farmers in the middle and slaves at the bottom.Because Africans were included among the first colonists to come to southern Carolina, they composed one third of its early population. As African slaves had a variety of skills well suit to the semitropical environment of this colony, they contributed significantly to South Carolinas prosperity for instance, the cultivation of Carolinas cash crops, rice and indigo, was only developed on a large scale with the help of skills and techniques of the African slaves.The similarity of South Carolinas environment to atomic number 74 Africas and the large proportion of Africans in the population ensured that many aspects of West African culture survived in this colony for example, enslaved parents continue to give their children Africa n names, a dialect compounding English words with African terms developed, etc. In contrast to the other areas, New England and the Union colonies were not committed to slavery as their chief source of labour. Lacking large-scale agricultural enterprises, these colonies did not demand many slaves.Although slavery was not as profitable to the north as it was to the south, northern colonists did testify slaves. In these colonies, since European household servants were hard to find, the slaves owned by the northern settlers were mainly used as domestic servants for the urban elite. Because fewer slaves were introduced into the north, social differences were not as sharp as in the south. The spreadhead amid the rich and the poor in New England colonies was narrower than in the Chesapeake colonies.The different level of importance slavery had on the British colonies in North America accentuated the already existing differences between these settlements. To the distinction between ca sh crops plantations in the Chesapeake area and diversity of economy in the New England colonies was now added this quite unalike role of slavery. This distinction between large-scale slavery in the south and near absence of slavery in the north was going to last until to the middle of the nineteenth century. It was not until the American civil contend that this situation finally came to an end.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Four Business Types – Pros and Cons
In my opinion, Corporation is the silk hat random variable suited to venture as intended by capital of Seychelles & Quentin because it is separate legal entity distinguishable from its owners & have well defined registered by laws. These organizations are highly regulated & attract capital point from outside parentage very easily & existed infinitely. The main issues cin one caserning the quick-witted quality rights in providing licensing Marvels intellectual property to Universal studios are right of first publication and Trademark protections to the theme parks which Disney proposed to develop by using Thor, The Hulk, compact man etc.Law related to copy rights gives the author or creator of work the exclusive rights for limited time span in pronounce to promote creativity & allow control all over use of ruseistic creations. Authors have been given powers to manage the characters (like The Hulk, Iron Man etc) as created by them & either one copying it definitely attract legal provisions (Chapter 17 of the United States Code).However in that respect is the right of public to arrive at from the authors work but that too exist on supposition that once copyrightable work enters public domain, others should be allowed to benefit from it and cigarette make make it better for the excellence of all. Where Copyright law protect original writings of an author & dealt with character development and individualization protection post laws actually take care trademarks commercial value & de take a leaked to safeguard endures against confusion as to source or authorization of an item.Therefore trademark owner has given control over use of the sign or mark in association with those goods and services for which mark symbolizes. The Securities Act of 1933 which originally introduced on posting of economic crisis of 1929 and mainly focus on two main objectives First, to ensure more transparency in pecuniary statements so as to facilitate investors to take inf ormed decisions and second, to establish stringent laws to curb dishonest activities/misrepresentation in securities trades.Whereas the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 derived to provide for governance of securities transactions in secondary market & to regulate stock exchanges and intermediaries (broker-dealers) to protect public investments. The main purpose of Securities Act of 1933 was to increase the disclosure of fiscal by means of with(predicate) the detailed process of registration of securities. In case investor suffers losses on account of lead information, they have recovery rights on proving that losses arises due to incomplete or inaccurate information.Whereas by heart and soul of Securities Act of 1933, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was created which has broad powers & authority over all aspects of the securities market inclusive of brokerage firm firms, transfer agents, and clearing agencies and even nations securities self regulatory organizations (like New York Stock Exchange, the NASDAQ Stock Market, Chicago control panel of Options, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority etc).This act also provides the Commission with disciplinary powers over miscellaneous regulated entities and persons associated with them & include provisions for periodic reporting of certain information by companies whose shares are in public traded. A company planning for an IPO must appoint a lead manager (book kickoff) who helps to go steady appropriate price of shares to be issued, which can be done by either of the two methods i. e. ither through lead managers or through analysis of confidential investor demand data, which is to be compiled by the book runner known as book building process.IPO requires effective planning comprising of development of an impressive charge and professional team, significant growth of companys business so have known public marketplace, available audited financial statements following Internationally accepted acco unting principles, compliances of various act, good corporate governance practices etc.Victoria & Quentin fund raise not amount to IPO but a private placement/ mount in which funds can be raised not directly from public but through private investors/ merchant bankers or private equity firms on which minimum regulations are applicable & statutory provisions of an IPO are not applicable. Patent Patent protects an invention which is novel, useful, and non-obvious. Whereas invention refers to any parvenu article, reinvigorated machine, or any process or combination in that locationof or any new use developed by human being but that invention must not form power of public domain nd not previously known in the public to begin with invented.It must be new. Also that invention must be non obvious to person skilled in art. Copyright Copyrights usually protect the works of an author like writings, music, artistic work or art work which can be expressed in tangible form. It generally giv es protection to software, web, course materials, publications, electronically or non electronically, printed or non printed. Trade Mark Trademarks gives protection to the words, names, marks, symbols, or colors etc. hich differentiate between the goods and services and direct to the source of those goods or services.Trademarks can be renewed forever to the extent they can be Trade Secret A trade inscrutable is an information which the organizations generally keep secret or undisclosed so as to give them advantage on their opponents/competitors. In the given instances, there is an infringement claim of patent which is design with respect to chip clip for multiple bags of potato chips & another(prenominal) is an infringement of Copyright & trademark when to use the words Astroclaw similar to Atomic Claw.In order to make case their effective Victoria & Quentin must prove that, there is no infringement of Intellectual Property rights. They can give evidence to prove that the designs & music has already been created by them as new without copying and their claims & application filed by Gunnar & Alexander fails to serve the test of patentability. Shareholders defined as individuals or imitative legal person who issued stock/shares in a company with a view to get benefit with the hope of earning of loot by company.It is a sort of investment in ownership of company and get rights to the extent of their investment. Whereas stakeholders are the persons who impacted by the policies, rule, regulations & working of an organization. This is the broad term comprises of whom an organization directly or indirectly associated with. It referred to as somebody who has stake or interest in actions of the company at big(p) or even small scale. This term in connection with a corporation consists of its staff, employees, customers, supplier, vendors, dealers & baseball club in wider context.This is the term generated out of need of suitable corporate governance as well as part of corporate social responsibility. Shareholder owes fiduciary duties to minority shareholders as well as to other stakeholders comprising of society at large, means they must act in their self interest so as to maximize their profits by following corporate governance principles. I support Mr. Garfield as he is the whiz of new ideas of capitalism & believes in restructuring & revival mechanism of capitalism.He believes that instead of running a flunk or loss making business, shareholders should accept beneficial proposal so as to evade lordly winding up which impacted other business. He appears to be an ethical person when denied to take coin from a widow. On the other hand, Mr. Andrew seems to be sympathetic towards employees, workers but actually he not cock-a-hoop up as manger & not taken any action to replace discard engineering & owing to above reasons I vote in favor of Mr. Garfield as the organization runs to make profits & if an organization not works well, it must be r estructured in a manner so as to maximize wealth of shareholders.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Week 3 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Week 3 - Coursework ExampleIf the police officer respects the community needs in this brass, a lot of accidents will occur. Police defends as a deterrent for any criminal act or bad behaviour. Sometimes the presence of the police is required to resolve disputes like in the case of neighbourhood or domestic incidents (City of Boise 2). In resolving disputes the police can non equate the community needs because sometimes the community may side with the offender but the police should non favour anybody in order to please the community. For example, some communities support wife-beating and in this case the police should not side with a husband who beats his wife. When enforcing criminal law the police are faced with problems. til now when barricadeing an armed robber the police should not kill because an individual is not guilty until turn up guilty by a court of law (Schmalleger 154).When performing the community policing duties the police face divers(prenominal) problems. Wh en assisting citizens, the police may be insulted by angry citizens. In this case the police should explain their actions in respect to the laws and inform the citizens on how they should act. In resolving disputes, the police can be bribed to rule in favour of the offender. In this case the police should completely avoid bribe. In enforcing criminal law, the police are assaulted by criminals. In this case the police should always use necessary force when making an arrest (City of Boise
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
P2 IP1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
P2 IP1 - Essay ExampleAccordingly, the following design analysis will be concentric upon defining and discussing tell tale hallmarks of the manner through which all(prenominal) of these market structures operates. Firstly, perfective aspect competition will be discussed. Naturally perfect competition all happens in a situation in which numerous difference firms are competing against one another for business. Furthermore, firms in perfect competition in a competitive industry will produce an optimal return at the minimum possible cost for the consumer. Even though this index seem as rather mistake wording, it stands to reason. When one considers the way in which the market and the consumer benefit from a situation in which firms are locked in continual competition, the analogy makes perfect sense. For instance, consider the restaurant market within most locations throughout the joined States. Even though this is permeated by m whatever branded entities that engage in competition within a variety of different markets, it is invariably made up of many local entrants to the market that are in effect locked in perfect competition with one another representing a benefit to the consumer in the occurrence that their output is optimal and their costs are minimized. The ease of entry into much(prenominal) a market is better than any of the other models/structures that will be discussed. Comparatively, a quite dissimilar form of market structure is that the monopoly. The monopoly is evidently a situation in which a firm has no competition within the industry (Elzinga & Mills, 2011). Accordingly, such a structure necessarily reduces the overall level of output that a particular business entity might otherwise be capable of and drive up prices accordingly. As was referenced in the previous model, the overall level of societal good that can be represented within the monopoly is greatly decreased. Furthermore, this particular naturalism has an economic definition which is defined as deadweight injustice. Due to the differential with respect to where the supply and demand curves me, this deadweight loss is a quantifiable economic term that can be presented in numeric form to the respective(prenominal) seeking to understand and define the monopoly. The ease of entry into such a market is all only when nonexistent. Another type of market structure that is known to exist is defined as an oligopoly. The oligopoly is an industry with only a few competitive firms. A traditional definition of oligopoly includes a tacit understanding of the fact that an element of collusion is possible. Within such an element of collusive oligopoly, the firms that are competing agree to function as a singular entity as a means to drive up costs and represent a market structure that is similar to a monopoly. However, the situation represents the ultimate prisoners dilemma. The temptation not to cooperate and to slice the competition by providing a lower price and/ or a higher quality produce/service to the consumer is enough to ensure that most oligopoly is still compete albeit at least upon the surface. The ase of entry into such structure can be difficult if not impossible due to the desire of the existing firms to withhold any potential further competition at bay. The final market structure which will be discussed can be defined as monopolistic competition. The monopolistic comp
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